Chapter 1: Crimson Red

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Inside a cave, a young man, age sixteen, with a long black wavy hair that is tied with a mint green ribbon, wearing black ancient robes with a tint of mint green, wore a grin on his fair face. His sharp eyes curved a little in excitement as he holds Han Dae down in a kneeling position.

"What do you think you're doing?!" Han Dae exclaimed trying to fight back but it was no use.

Another person put Gideon that is already tinted in pitch black but still made of pure jade, in front of Han Dae and then he smiled. He gave him a warm comforting smile as if he's saying, 'It's going to be fine' or 'It'll be alright' but Han Dae begged to differ,

"No! No don't! Please! Hashi-ni!" as he struggled. "I swore I'd never leave you! I swore I'd protect you!"

He, facing Han Dae with a smile still, knelt in front of him dragging his crimson robe on the ground. His long black straight hair sliding through his shoulders as he caress Han Dae's pinkish cheek stating, "Be good and wait for me to come and get you."

Han Dae is about to complain but the person seem to know him too well. Before Han Dae can even say a thing, he blocked his mouth using his index finger and whispered something to Han Dae's ear,

"I promise..."

With that, he sealed Han Dae inside the cave as he and the other person smaller than he and Han Dae, left together with him. Han Dae kept shouting for him to come back as the rock slowly blocks the path of their eyes.

"Hashi-ni! Hashi-ni!" Han Dae cried trying to move but he can't because of the talismans around him. He shouted from the top of his lungs, "Han Zeno-ni!" before the rock shuts tightly as everything faded to black.

Year 2520; Approximately a thousand years after

A scream of a horrified young woman echoed through the night in the forest. Together with her companions, three young men and one similar to her gender, they ran while being chased by a cunning spirit. She screams repeatedly in tears.

One of the guys with her can no longer take her screaming, "Dang it Chandler! Couldn't you be any louder?!" while covering his ears. The loud thuds from behind them are getting louder and louder, meaning, it is getting nearer to them.

"Fuck you, Trijah! Can't you see how scared I am right now?! Fuck off!" Chandler replied while running for her life.

"No vulgar words!" Daniel shouted as he went in between them. "At least we succeeded to lure this huge evil spirit away from the town!"

"Oh yeah?! So is it a good thing that it's chasing us now?!" Chandler cried furiously.

"Dang it! Where are the Hashis anyway?! Are they coming here to get their Zushis or not?!" Trijah shouted as if he's asking everyone.

"I just fired the signal five minutes ago! Of course they can't come in the forest right away! Heck, I didn't even know whether they saw the signal or not!" Hannah shouted.

"Ugh! Fuck Hannah! You only have one job! Why are you so useless?!" Chandler shouted.

"Well it's not my fault, you and Trijah wanted to face that monster first! Don't blame me! Besides, I'm your ji! Show some respect!" Hannah complained while running and the three argued.

"You guys..." Daniel tried to stop them but he soon felt helpless and gave up. He looked behind him and he saw a guy, from his squad as well, running while busy forming a sword using yellow talismans.

"Asher, need help?" he asked while slowing down a bit so that Asher can catch up to him. Asher faced him, totally with a worried look, but with confidence.

Stain of Red: Crimson FateWhere stories live. Discover now