Chapter 22: A Will And A Farewell

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He was speechless. He doesn't know what to say. Just, at that point in time, he was too conflicted to speak.

'An apology. An apology will do.' He thought.

"H-Han Dae..." a quiet utter from the person in front, but it is loud enough for him in this silent cold windy night.

His hands fisted, his brows curved and his eyes are almost teary. Inhaling, he was about to ask for forgiveness when the other rushed to his side with eyes wide, embracing him tight, burying his face on his chest.

"T-Thank goodness..." his voice trembled. "Y-You came back..." his breathing is uneven, trembling.

Han Dae, stabbed with guilt, tried to escape his arms, "H-Hashi-ni--!" but he couldn't.

"Listen to me!" slightly raising his voice, Han Dae froze.

'H-Hashi-ni... raised his voice?' he wondered. He tried raising his head, but Han Zeno's hand is forcing it to stay still on his chest, allowing him to hear his rapidly beating heart.

"Please..." he begged, "Listen to me..."

Han Dae pushed once again, trying to meet him eye to eye, "F-Fine! But first let me go Hashi-ni!" he suggested. 'I can't breathe!'

"I don't..." he replied, "... want to."

"Huh?!" Han Dae freaked, his face turned pink in an instant, "Wha-What the hell?!"

"You might..." Han Zeno continued, "run away again before even listening... I don't want that... so you listen to me!"

Han Dae gulped, feeling his own body receiving the heat of the young lord. As the arms wrapped around him tightens, he relaxed until he finally rested his head completely on Han Zeno's chest.

'So warm...' he thought.

Han Dae sighed, "Fine, I'll listen."

Finally convincing him, Han Zeno turned around, holding his hand, "Follow me." He ordered while walking and pulling Han Dae's hand.

'You can let me go now, it's not like I will run away again!' Han Dae thought. Then he wondered, 'Huh? Aren't we going back inside?' as they walk away from the inn they are staying.

"Hashi-ni... where are we heading?" he asked but he didn't receive an answer. So a thought came to mind that maybe his Hashi-ni had enough of him, so he decided not to speak.

Silently following him, they reached another inn that is somewhat nearer to their inn. He blinked in a wonder when they entered.

Location: Fragrant Inn; Lily Yu Tribe's given Rest Place

"I-I'm very sorry Han Dae!" Yu Gaia, in her purple nightgown, put her palms together looking very apologetic, "It was my fault!"

Han Dae's eyes widened, "Huh?" he asked, "Y-Young Miss Yu--?"

She held his hands with a guilty smile on her face, "We were sparring. Han Dae and the rest only have two rabbis right?" she asked and Han Dae nodded in response.

"We, Majin Candidates, have three. One for gaining knowledge, one for strengthening our spirit and one for training our physical body." She explained.

"And... just recently, we have been paired to battle each other with wooden swords. Crimson Han Tribe is paired up with Lily Yu Tribe and Saphirus Sen Tribe. We, on the other hand, is paired up with Crimson Han Tribe and Ebony Lao Tribe. Saphirus Sen Tribe is paired up with Emerald Sei Tribe and Crimson Han Tribe. Emerald Sei Tribe is paired with Ebony Lao Tribe and Saphirus Sen Tribe while Ebony Lao Tribe is paired with us and Emerald Sei Tribe."

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