Chapter 17

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The alarm of my phone kept buzzing and all I want to do is to shatter it onto the wall. I have been hurt but more than that I feel angry. Angry upon myself for feeling hopeless for something that wasn't mine.

I brushed my teeth and took a quick shower. The past few days were worst as I solemnly deprived myself of happiness. Why if you ask? I don't have a satisfying answer. I was not sad nor happy and I was being just alive, breathing.

The rain was the only friend and I thought it was crying for me. I had finished my work soon and rushed back home in a taxi whose bills always reminds me to buy my own vehicle. I wrenched the lock of the door and got startled by none other than the devil. "Dhruvi! Stop doing this!" I squealed as I saw her inside right in front of me. I forgot to get back spare keys from the devil. "What? I didn't do anything" I walked past her into the living room and removed my raincoat that was soaking wet. It gave me a headache to clean the floor in the rainy season when it just won't dry soon and the odor of the after clean drives me nuts. With my mind getting annoyed super-fast I sped the cleaning process with a mop. I didn't notice that Dhruvi was still standing by the doorway and gawking at me. I sighed as I took the mop into the bathroom. When I re-emerged back into the living room, I saw her texting on her phone. I dismissively strolled to the kitchen. "What are you doing?

"Drinking water," I said after gulping the cold water.

"I have been waiting for you for such a long while and you don't seem to acknowledge me?"

"Then may I know the reason why?" she narrowed her eyebrows and stared at me as if I had grown horns on my head. I released an annoyed sigh and slouched on the couch. "are you on your periods?" she asked after a pause. I lifted my face which I covered by my palms. Her eyes glowered with concern this time that led me to sigh again. I tapped the couch beside me gesturing her to take a seat. She complied and sat beside me without averting her gaze on me. "No Dhruvi...I'm...I'm sorry for acting like a bitch" I took her hand in mine inclining my head towards the side. She folded her legs beneath her and watched me with a smile. 

"Okay I forgive you because you happen to be my only bitchy friend who can bitch with me but I'm definitely not going to go easy on the person behind your bitchy attitude" she raised her beautiful black eyebrow obviously wanting me to explain her about my current mood. I straightened my spine when I thought about the one who was the reason. "Come on babe, you know what I'm capable of? I can just ask my brother to hang him under the bridge for meddling you badly"

Why? Why do you have to remind him every time Dhruvi? The storm inside me was slowly reviving back but I tried to suppress it.

"Babe?... Honey?" she shook my arm to bring me back to focus. "Don't scare me like this babe, you don't seem alright. If you wanna talk about it..."

"No... There's nothing to talk about Dhruvi but thanks"

Silent filled the room when she nor I spoke another word. The only thing that was constantly reminding me that I wasn't alone was her phone which kept on chiming with new messages. "Won't you attend them? They keep on popping up?" I broke the silence at last. She roamed her eyes to her phone screen and the back to me. after a minute of contemplation which was clearly written on her face, she stood up. "okay... let's break the ice! Let's go out!" she announced. Hearing it, you could have guessed what I did, I slumped against the couch and declined her offer.

"Do I look like taking a 'No' from you? Now get your ass up!" Oh my! Her angry eyes looked like they would pop out any soon if I didn't abide her now. I huffed standing up and hissed "at least let me get dressed my devil" her smirk lit her face "Oh sure. Be back in 10".

I grunted my way into the bedroom.

Why didn't I decline her friendship the first time I met her? Argh!! "This is the third time I'm changing the dress Dhruvi. I swear that I'm on the verge of my patience" I yelled slamming the door shut when she didn't approve of my dress the third time. 

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