Chapter 30

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I didn't know that the car wasn't moving and I forcedly let my semi wet eyes open. We had reached his place!

What? How many hours did I sleep?

I rotated my head towards him only to see no one in his seat. The outside was still dark so I couldn't guess the time. Lost in thoughts and confusion, I didn't hear my side of the door opening. He stood there watching me and his chocolate orbs stabbed mine after a long time. Again the cramps started their hustle and I tried to get out but when did he allow me?

He bend to my sitting height while he slid his arms under my body and lifted me out of the car at once. I didn't complain because I simply couldn't get anything out of mouth other than a cry. I usually whine a lot around this time of the month and get a lot more impatient and intolerant. We usually do right?

He carried me like always into the elevator and when I wriggled to let myself onto the ground, he didn't comply. My gaze never left his face that was devoid of emotions.

As the lift doors opened, we moved out and came to the entrance of his condo. He tried to get to the lock pad but I swiftly pressed the buttons and it got unlocked. His eyes captured mine but only I couldn't find any of his thoughts showing. Carrying me into the familiar place, he didn't stop anywhere but climbed straight to his bedroom.

I hadn't forgotten the pain yet it was unable to get my attention because of him.

We entered his bedroom and he laid me gently on the bed. I adjusted my position as this time my vagina simply exploded. I rushed to the toilet past him and hastily removed my pants. Red. Blood red. Stains all over the bottom.

I groaned as the smell of fresh blood trickling hit my nostrils. Did I smell like this in the car? That nasty thought brought bile to the back of my throat. I swiftly became naked and turned on the hot shower to soothe my aching muscles. It was so good to be under the warm water as the blood got washed away alomg with the metallic scent.

I finished washing myself head to toe, and rinsed my stained clothes too. It was a habit to wash my used dresses as soon as I remove them mainly in my period time. Only that I couldn't take them out of the bathroom now to let them dry, can I? I wondered how much embarrassing it would be to hang my clothes anywhere in his house. But right now I had no choice. So I hung them onto the rod at one side of the wall on the bathroom and decided to ask him if he feels uncomfortable with them. Else I should ask him to drop me home.

Why didn't I think of it in the first place? Shit!
On top of it, I don't have sanitary napkins too! Oh goddess!
What should I do now? Should I ask him? Wait, what? How can he go buy now? Will he?

I was too anxious and embarrassed plus the ache wasn't letting me to stand anymore. I wrapped myself with a towel and gently opened the bathroom door. In between the slit gap, I saw his back as he sat at the edge of the bed facing the opposite direction. I heard my own heart pounding hard against my chest as I tried to form words. Nervously I tried to articulate.

"Vikram" I barely heard my own voice but he whipped his head so fast that I gasped. He instantly walked to me while I still had the door as a barrier. He peeped in trying to see through what was I doing. His eyes narrowed down to my eyes as he searched my face for answers.

"I-I a napkin" Bhoomaatha just swallow me now please. His face contorted into confusion and I internally regretted asking him.
"'s okay. I'll.." I stuttered.

"Wait, you'll have it in your office bag, right?"

I nodded amused by his question. Why didn't I think of that?

He disappeared from my sight and came back after a moment with my bag. He passed it to me and I took it whispering a silent 'thank you' before closing the door again. Thankfully I had a pad! But wait I had no panties. Arghhhhh!!!

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