Chapter 20

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⚠Mature scenes ahead⚠

I tilted my head to see him standing a few titles behind me. His features showed me that he was angry and in pain? I am the one who is in pain! 

He squeezed his eyes shut for a moment as if trying to push his emotions deep down and when he opened them again, they were bloodshot. 

No. I don't want to talk to him nor I want to stay in one place with him. I nodded my head sideways swallowing the tears and throwing him my neutral expression as much as possible. No way is he gonna win this game.

I took a step back and the rain hit my figure soaking me fast. I didn't care. I wanted to escape. 

His lips twitched knowing very well about my plan and he lunged forward. This is no time to be a snail I thought as I scurried with the edges of my stilettos not letting my heels hinder my intention. 

I didn't even cover a quarter distance before which I was lifted onto his shoulder like a damn loser. Tears flooded my eyes but with the downpour, it merged them successfully. He gripped my hips tightly as I struggled against him. 

I couldn't shout because if I try it would come out as a wail. I was on the verge of crying hard. 

He strolled back to the elevator and that's when I knew I'm about to get trapped. My limbs flailed in the air beating his back but he didn't budge. " alone!!" I cried this time, my fists colliding with his chest as soon as he dropped me to my feet inside the elevator. 

"You monster!" I shouted before trying to run out of the lift but he grabbed my left arm harshly pulling me inside again. He then pressed the button to his floor while I bet his torso crying to let me go. 

"Why don't you leave me alone?! You offended me just a few minutes back without knowing the reason. You insulted me, crumpled my self-respect and now you're manhandling me! You bastard!" I couldn't contain the anger that surged my whole body heating it up against the wet clothes. He let me hit him a little more while and then caught hold of both of my hands. I stopped and glared at him while he did the same to me. "If you don't stop talking now, I'm gonna fuck your mouth" He seethed. 
That's it. I lost my control as I twisted my hand out of his grip somehow and the next thing is only my demon's acting that played in the moving elevator. I slapped him hard. 

"Fuck you!" I spat as he was in the process of rewinding the scene. He slowly spun his face to meet mine that showed him hatred and disgust. "I've never met a person like you. Dhruvi is unfortunate to have you and I say I pity her. I never hated a person as much I do with you right now. You think I'm your slave or something to dump all your fucking acts! I'm done with you and don't ever ever come into my life again" I finished panting hard, my eyes emitted all the aversion I had towards him. He literally brought up the girl I don't want to be and that I hid inside. Why do such men even exist? 

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