Chapter 5

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×××Sorry for grammatical errors×××

I put the sticky note aside and opened the box. I was shocked to see the dress that I wore in the shop today, neatly packed in it. My hand felt the fabric and it was exactly what I tried in the morning. Did Dhruvi buy this? No. She wouldn't have. She knows me very well that I don't want to look down by others nor I want any charity. The next person that came into my mind enraged me. It would have been him.


I wanted to throw that box away but I did the contrary. Does he think sex was some kind of business? I was beyond hurt and angry. My head turned to the wall clock and it showed that it was still 8:30 PM. So the next thing I did is changed my clothes and hailed a taxi. This is not what I expected from him and to think he's the brother of my friend is beyond me at this point. The biggest and unforgettable mistake would be losing my virginity to him. Fuck it!

I reached his place sooner and got into the elevator. Every second, it burned me inside to think he did that. Right, Rich people don't have brains. Only some do. This one is not even close. I got down the floor which was solely his. I remembered the password gratefully as he typed it yesterday.

Entering in, I shuddered. Though I have all the fucking rights to be after what he did, I feared. The living room was empty and most of the place dimly lit. But a chatter got my attention from farther inside and I followed it trying to keep my cool and reminding myself of the mission I was on.

It led me to a large door behind which I knew he was there. The noises were coming out loud from inside while I stood there gathering some courage to face him.

"Don't lose it. Not in front of him" I told to myself and barged in.

The music blasted my ear as soon I stepped in and it took me a minute to analyse the situation. There seemed to be some kind of party going on and he was not alone. He soon noticed me as he turned from the sofa he was standing beside. His eyes widened and I know he should be astonished to see me at this hour. I noticed how his lips parted with a gasp before forming a thin line.

The first thing I wanted to do is to throw the bag at him and I did it. Don't ask me how. Tears were already trying to well up my eyes but I threatened them to stay put. The music went down suddenly creeping in the silence that was scary at the moment especially when his stance remain bewildered.

"How could you do that? Do you think I'm that kind of a girl? Arrogant bastard! Now shove that gift up your ass and fuck it!" I screamed with all the last bit of strength in me and walked out trying to not break down.

But I couldn't get a hold of myself. Tears stream down my face as I paced to the living room emotions piling up and fear crawling in for what I did.
It was the right thing to do, wasn't it?

With the next step I took, I was dragged back suddenly causing me to yelp. It was him. He pulled me harshly towards the opposite direction and I struggled to get out of his grip. He tugged me fast as he led me to a room that I didn't notice before and darkness lurked around us but still I was able to make out his anger glistening his figure.

A word didn't escape my mouth as he pinned me to the wall, tightening his hand around my wrists on either side of my head. I winced yet he didn't seem to care.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? How dare you enter my house and insult me like that in front of my family? Do you think I'll go easy on girls like you?" He slammed my hands on the wall on top of my head seething harshly into my face.

It hurt. Both my hands and my heart.

"So you can send me a gift for what happened last night? Do you think it was business?" My lips were trembling but I didn't care. I wanted him to answer. Forcing my eyelids to stay apart, I saw his eyes were fierce but it also told me another story.

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