Chapter 32

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Hi friends, April has started and it doesn't seem like we actually went through a lock down same time last year...oh how fast the time runs... Anyways I wish you all a happy month!

One more thing _ if you haven't checked the name of the chapters do go to'll take time to update in each chapter!


Steamy scenes ahead!! So I'm warning ⚠️ you guys before...if you feel its inappropriate please skip the part!

if you feel its inappropriate please skip the part!

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"Why am I waiting here now? I shouldn't have come here" I inhaled deeply as my shaking fingers typed away his pass code. 

The door opened and I stepped into his condo nervously. I shouldn't have come here because I'm still angry at him. But my anger grew even more after what Dhruvi said. He's sick and still working. "He's literally an idiot" 

The whole condo was eerily quiet apart from my footsteps and that's when I knew he's not at home. So I did what I did. I took over the kitchen. First I went to the nearby market to buy some fruits and vegetables. Filled his empty fridge with some fruits and cooked some soup and porridge. Though it was rainy and chilly outside, working with steam in the kitchen increased my sweat. 

After finishing the dishes, I saw my phone and it showed me that it was 7 pm. I panicked because I'm not yet ready to face him so I thought I should leave soon.


I hate this flu! Fuck! 

"Sir, you should probably stay home and take rest" John stood at the entrance as I fixed my cufflinks ready to get to the office. I sneezed again and felt a little fatigue but I know that today's conference is important and I ought not to miss it. "I'll rest later. We should start now" I said dismissing his plea just like my sister who created a fuss about this yesterday. I know she cares about me but what can possibly a flu do to me? 

With the AC in my office, I felt a bit cold even through my suit but nonetheless I attended all my meetings and by the time I finished my work it was evening. John took me back home and all the while I couldn't stop thinking of the one person who infiltrated my thoughts for the couple of days. Once I get well, I should probably go see her I thought as I was about to open my condo's door.

It got wrenched away revealing none other than her. I was surprised that I let out a gasp unknowingly seeing her in my place at this hour. She too was shocked since her expression said so clearly. But then she quickly composed herself and opened the door enough for me to enter. Her eyes fell on John and he acknowledged her before leaving me as I nodded at him.

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