Sabo's freedome gone

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It was a stormy day as the four children were pretending to have an adventure. Ace was using the steering wheel to pretend their hideout is a ship. (Y/n) and Sabo stood next to him as for Luffy, he was making sure that their flag doesn't blow away. They were excited about the windy storm that was upon them. 

"Luffy, you better not let go of that flag!" Ace yelled at Luffy. "Real pirates can't let a wimpy storm blow their flag away!" Sabo adds. "You got this, Luffy!" (Y/n) cheered. Her kerchief was about to be blown away from her neck until she caught it in time. She reties her kerchief around her neck. 

"Come on, stupid storm!" Luffy yells. 

"You're going have to do better than that!" Ace yelled at the storm.

"Yeah, bring it!" Sabo taunted the storm. 

"Give us what you got!" (Y/n) encouraged the storm to blow stronger. 

As if Mother Nature was hearing their request, the storm suddenly grew stronger. This was getting the children excited that they were getting a challenge from the storm. They were having the time of their life, but Luffy want having any fun. He was hanging onto the roof of the hideout as he tried not to be blown away. His screams were heard by his brothers and sister. "Crap, Luffy!!!" Ace, (Y/n), and Sabo quickly went to see how Luffy was doing. "Are you okay, Luffy!?" (Y/n) was concerned for Luffy. "Do I look okay to you?!" Luffy barked. "Actually, yeah! It looks fun!" Ace exclaims. He, (Y/n), and Sabo laughed at Luffy, thinking it would be fun. Luffy continued to scream in terror. "Quit laughing! Hurry up and pull me up!" His brothers and sister continued to as they pulled in inside and waited for the storm to stop. Within moments, the storm finally stopped. Seeing what the storm has done, the four children decided to go back to Gray Terminal to find supplies to rebuild their hideout. They were discussing on what they needed for their hideout. 

"This time I want to find a big telescope!" Luffy said happily. "You'll never find something that nice here, stupid." Ace told Luffy. "I think I'd rather have a cannon." Sabo told his suggestion. "I think a cannon would be a good idea." (Y/n) agreed with Sabo. "Maybe some dummy threw it away." Luffy spoke. This caused the four children to laugh at the small joke. They made it to one part of Gray Terminal and began to collect wood and other material for the hideout. 

"Lame. I think you were right. I haven't found anything like a telescope anywhere." Luffy said disappointedly. "Shut up. We didn't come out here to find you a worthless telescope. Go find something useful." Ace ordered Luffy. (Y/n) was gathering some wood she found that would be perfect for the hideout. She smiled as she could hear Luffy complaining about not finding a telescope. As for Ace, she could him telling Luffy to shut up about it. She shook her head and playfully rolled her eyes. "What am I going to do with those two?" (Y/n) giggles to herself. She walks further ahead to see if Sabo needed some help. When she saw Sabo, her eyes widen to see that he wasn't alone. Bluejam and his pirate crew were surrounding. She dropped everything she was carrying and ran towards Ace and Luffy. 

"Ace! Luffy!" (Y/n) yelled at them. "(Y/n)? What wrong?" Ace asked. "It's Sabo! Bluejam and his crew are surrounding him!" (Y/n) points at the direction of where Sabo is. Hearing what she said, the three children quickly went to help Sabo. They found a barrel and quickly got it. They rolled down a hill and waited for the right moment to ambush them. The rolling barrel smashed a pirate and the three children emerged from it.

"Oh wow! Nice shot!" Sabo compliment them. Luffy was feeling dizzy so (Y/n) had to help him steady himself. Ace turns towards Sabo. "You ready to take them on, Sabo?" Sabo smirked in determination. "Yeah!" (Y/n) gets her pipe ready. "There's no way anyone's going to beat the four of us at once!" Ace joined (Y/n) at her side. "You're right about that and I don't care if they are pirates." Luffy stopped feeling dizzy and joined Ace and (Y/n)'s side. "That's right! We've beaten that big old tiger so you guys are nothing!" 

You'll be in my heart (Ace x reader x Law)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora