Rosetta D (Y/n)

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Red-Haired Shanks was walking through a forest as he was looking for a village. It didn't take him long to find it and he knew it wouldn't take him long to find the house he was looking for. Lucky for him, the house was by the edge of the village. He saw that the lights were on, meaning someone was in there. He grabs the handle and see if it was locked, it was open. As he enters, he spotted a elderly woman in a rocking chair hold a baby in her arms. Not just any elderly woman, judging by the coat she has on her shoulders, she was a marine.

The elderly woman stopped rocking as she glares at Shanks. He gives her a nervous smile.

"You've come to take her with you?" The marine woman asked, breaking the silence. Shanks nods. She sighs as she rises from her chair. She walks up to Shanks and hands him the baby.

"She has my hair, but she looks like her mother." Shanks smiles softly at the baby. "What did you expect, she is your daughter." The marine placed her hands on her hips.

It was true, the baby Shanks was hold was his daughter. The baby open her eyes and stared at her father. She had (e/c) eyes, red hair like her father, and (s/c) skin. The baby lets out a yawn before falling back to sleep.

"You take care of her, you hear me? You know how the marines are with children of the worst criminals." The marine warns him. Shanks nods. "I know. I'll protect her with my life if I have to."

Shanks walks out the door, but he was stopped by the marine.

"What are you going to name her? Her mother....didn't get the chance...since the accident."

Shanks looks over at the marine then back at his daughter.

"She will take her mother's name, but her full name is Rosetta D (Y/n)."

The marine nods as she watches Shanks leave with his daughter, (Y/n).

"I'll make sure that you'll be safe, (Y/n)." Shanks kisses his sleeping daughter's head.

Not very long, Shanks climbs aboard his ship as his crew waits for him. "Do we set sail now, Boss?" A crew member asked. Shanks nods at him. "Get ready to set sail!"

"Yes, Captain!" Everyone exclaims as they prepared the ship to leave.

As everyone was getting ready, Benn Beckman walks over to his friend and saw the little bundle in Shanks's arms.

"Mind telling me what's with the kid, Shanks?" Beckman asked. Shanks turns to him. "This is my daughter, (Y/n)." Beckman looks over at the sleeping infant. "You sure it's a good idea to have her here?"

Shanks looks at his friend straight in the eye. "It's better to have her here, than where the marines could find her. I wouldn't forgive myself if I was too late." Beckman smooths out (Y/n)'s red hair. "It looks like we got ourselves a very young pirate apprentice."

10 years later

In the ship of the Red-Hair Pirates, 10 year old (Y/n) ran towards the rails to stare out at the sea. She heard the seagulls passing by and she smiles at that. "That must mean we're close to an island." (Y/n) said to herself.

She felt someone ruffle her hair. She looks up and saw that it was Beckman smiling down at her. "You're right, (Y/n). We're close to land." (Y/n) smiled at him. "Does that me I could go exploring, Uncle Beckman?" Beckman chuckles at her. "Only if your father says it's okay."

(Y/n) cheers as she ran off to find her father.

"Captain! I spot an island!" A crew member shouts. "Alright! Everyone, get ready to land!"

"Yes, Captain!" The crew shouts in union.

Just before Shanks could walk away, he left something tug on his shirt. He looks down and spotted his daughter. He smiles as he picks her up. "Whatcha need, (N/n)?"

"Dad, when we land, can I go exploring?" (Y/n) asked. Shanks lets out a small laugh. "As long as you don't go too far." (Y/n) smiles as she hugs her father.

The ship anchors near the shore as half of the crew row their boats to the island. Everyone hops off their boats and stretched their legs. (Y/n) grabs her bag as she was viewing everything she's got.

"Snack, check. Water, check. Dagger.....check." She saw that she got everything and puts her bag over her shoulder. "I'm going to explore now!" (Y/n) yells out. "Don't go too far, (Y/n)!" Shanks told her. "I won't!" (Y/n) shouts back.

Within the forest, (Y/n) explores the many trees and flowers she could get her hands on. She spots a beautiful flower bush and begins to collect some as she hums a song. She finished collecting flowers and decides to continue her exploration. She made her way to another part of the island that reached the shore. She saw something very interesting by a show.

A boat was on shore. It resembled a lot like a coffin as it has candles with green flames in it. The mast also resembled a large crucifix.

Curious, (Y/n) walks towards the storage boat. "This is really wierd boat." (Y/n) scratches his head.

"Young lady, what are you exactly doing near my boat?" A male voiced as (Y/n) from behind.

(Y/n) slowly turns around. Behind her was a man with black hair, short beard, and mustache. He had unique yellow eyes similar to a hawk. He was wearing black and red ornate clothing with a crucifix pendant around his next.

"I asked you a questioned, young lady." The man stared at (Y/n).

Silence...that was all from them. No one spoke, until (Y/n) decided to speak.

"I think I've seen you some where."

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