Escaping the Fire

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Dadan held the gun that Bluejam was about to use to kill Ace. The three children were relived to know that someone they know was there to help them. Dadan glared at the pirate captain that harmed her kids. 

"I'm not afraid to kill you!!!" Dadan swung her axe at Bluejam, but he blocks it with his sword. Bluejam leaps away from the large woman and the children she was protecting. From behind, the rest of th mountain bandits came running to help them out. 

"Thanks, but what are you guys doing here?" Luffy struggled to get up. "We're not too late...are we?" Magra pants from running. He goes over to (Y/n) while Dogra goes over to Luffy. Dogra picks up the injured boy. "Yikes! You got roughed up pretty bad, Luffy!!! (Y/n), you look pretty bad too!! You guys okay?" Dogra looks at (Y/n) as Magra picks her up. "We'll make it..." Luffy said in pain. Dogra looks around. "And what about Sabo? I don't see him." 

"Sabo's not with us. His dad forced him back to High Town." (Y/n) cliched her side in pain as she explains. Bluejam walks closer to the group. Ace glares at the pirate captain as Magra held him back. "I know you. You're that mountain gorilla from Mount Colubo." Bluejam comments. Dadan glares at the man. "Bandit, yes! Gorilla, no! But thats not the point here! The point is like it or not these kids are my responsibility!" Dadan exclaims. A bandit carefully picks up Luffy. "Even if I feel like killing the brats myself that doesn't mean you get to. Now, I'll say it again, nobody hurts my kids!!!" Dadan readies her axe. "So, I'll let you walk away...." Everyone readies their weapons. "..but if you don't, I'll guarantee you're going to be sorry." Dadan continues to glare at the pirate. The other bandits glares at him, but Bluejam wasn't intimidated. He just smirks at them. "I've got nothing to lose." 

"Alright then, let's dance." Dadan held her axe close to herself. Though it seemed like a fight turned into something else. "Now!!! Everybody, run!!!!" Dadan commands. The other bandits followed her lead. They made a run for it as they tried to escape Bluejam and the fire around them. As they were running away, there was a problem. Ace refused to run away as (Y/n) and Magra tried to get him to run. 

"Ace, come on! We have to get outta here!" (Y/n) begged as she pulled on his arm. He pulls his arm back. "What's the matter?" Magra asked as he helped (Y/n) up. Ace continued to glared at Bluejam. "I'm staying!" Ace told everyone. This made Bluejam very confused. "I won't run." Ace said with determination. Everyone stopped running as they stared at Ace. "Ace, this isn't the time to-" (Y/n) gasped in pain as she held her side again. Ace's eyes widen and he catches (Y/n) in time. "(Y/n)!!!" He held her close so she wouldn't fall. 

Dogra then yells at the freckled boy. " You've got nothing to gain here, you little idiot!!! Look!! This place is on fire!!! Also, Bluejam is a harden criminal!!! A little kid like you shouldn't be fighting him to the death!!!" 

Luffy struggled to break free from the bandit holding him back so he could held Ace and (Y/n). "I gotta help Ace and (Y/n)!!" The bandit struggled to hold Luffy back. "Luffy, cut it out!! Damn it!!" 

Dadan said nothing as she walks closer to Ace. She held her axe with her back towards the other bandits. "Take Luffy and (Y/n). And get your butts back to the hideout." She ordered. "What about you?" The bandit holding Luffy asked. "I'll take care of Ace. No matter how many asses I gotta kick." Dadan promised. All of the bandits were amazed by Dadan's bravery. "You're so cool!" They told her in awe. "NOW, GOOOO!!!" She ordered as her back was turn towards them. They followed her ordered and took the children with them. Ace handed (Y/n) over to Magra. "Be safe Ace. You too, Dadan!" (Y/n) exclaims before Magra took her away with the others. They all wished Ace and Dadan luck and to come back safe. 

"Look at that. How brave." Bluejam still wasn't intimidated by them. "By the end of the day, you're just a child and a woman against a pirate. Do you like those odds?" He questioned them. He kept explaining how there are only two kinds of people that are able to live in the real world. The strong and the cowardly. Bravery isn't something that matters, in his option. That still didn't scare Ace and Dadan. Not caring what he said, they charged at him with their weapons as he draws a pistol at him. They began to battle the pirate captain as the fire continued to surround them. 

As everyone else who lived in Gray Terminal tried to find a way to escape. They tried and tried, but the fire surrounded every exit. Some wanted to die already for the pain would stop, but a miracle happened. They were saved by a mysterious group with a ship ready for them. The mysterious group was able to find out about the fire because a certain brother of the three children told the mysterious leader of the ship. All the survives abroad the ship as they were given a chance to live. Other residents who lived in Edge Town were worried about the fire would past through the wall while the rich people of High Town were sleeping peacefully with their plan in action. Outside of the fire, the bandits cried as they waited for Ace and Dadan to come back home. Tears were streaming down their eyes as they feared for Ace and Dadan. Luffy wanted to go find them, but he was too injured. (Y/n) cried into Magra's shoulder as she feared that she will never see Ace and Dadan again. Now matter how much the two children and the bandits cried; Ace and Dadan didn't emerge from the burning fire that was destroying Gray Terminal. 

The next day, the bandits took Luffy and (Y/n) back to their hideout so they could get bandaged up. Even though, they were full of bandages; Luffy and (Y/n) tried to get up and find Ace and Dadan.

"Easy, kiddos! You both are still hurt, what are you guys doing?" Magra asked as he tried to get them to rest. "What do you think? (Y/n) and I are going to find Ace and Dadan." Luffy said as (Y/n) followed. "That's not gonna work." Magra tried to reason. Luffy was able to open the door, but he collapsed on the floor. "Luffy!" (Y/n) helps Luffy up and wrapped his arm around her neck so they could look for Ace and Dadan together. (Y/n) was able to take a few steps forward, but she collapsed on the floor in pain from her injuries. "See? I told you guys. You both are just going to make things worse." Magra carefully picks up the children and brings them back inside. The bandits changed (Y/n) and Luffy bandages as they rested on the floor with pillows and blankets. 

"I'm worried too, but for right now you two will just have to wait." Magra tried again to reason with them. Dogra join in the conversation. "The military is down on Gray Terminal. Word is that they were sent in to clean up everything after the fire died down. And by clean up, I mean get rid of any remaining evidence. I'm sure that means killing off all of the survivors too. You kids will be no exception." 

After hearing what Dogra said made Luffy and (Y/n) tear up from the thought of never seeing Ace and Dadan again. The bandits watched in sadness since they knew the feeling too. "But Ace...." He paused as he cried more. "I can't just leave them out there! And we have to let Sabo know that we didn't die!" Luffy cries more. 

"I wanna go back and find them! We already lost Sabo when his dad stole him back! I don't want to lose Ace and Dadan too!" (Y/n)'s cries as tears streamed down. 'I don't want to lose them, especially Ace. He's my best friend. I need to know what I am to him and I already know what he is to me.' Her thoughts were swimming her mind as she feared of never seeing Ace, the boy she truly cares about. 

After everything calmed down, Dogra decided to go see what is going down at the harbor. Since the fire is connected to the Celestial Dragon that was coming, he wanted to see if anything else will happen. What he didn't know that a certain boy he knew is trying to escape his abused, yet comfortable life as a noble. That will leave more heartache than everyone could take in one day when Dogra comes back with the news he will witness. 

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