Gum-Gum Fruit

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Days pass by as the Red Hair pirates landed near Foosha Village. Luffy and (Y/n) would play together as they'd share their dreams of sailing the seas. As they were staying (Y/n) became great friends with the bartender, Makino. (Y/n) could see how Makino and Shanks have been close and she can't help, but find it really sweet. Sometimes she wondered if Makino will become her new mom. Makino and (Y/n) would hang out together as (Y/n) would help Makino with the bar. By helping, she means help clean up after the crew's mess.

"Luffy, what the heck are you doing?" (Y/n) titled her head. "I'm going to show Shanks that I can be a pirate." Luffy explained as he climbs on the beast head of the Red Force. "And you're using my dagger?" (Y/n) continued to questioned. "Yep!" Luffy grinned.

(Y/n) shakes her head. She had a bad feeling about this.

"Hey, Luffy! What are you trying to do?!" Shanks asked.

Luffy held the dagger up as he yells. "I'm really serious! I'm so pissed! I'm gonna prove it to you!"

Shanks laughed. "Yeah, do it! I don't know what you're gonna do though!"

"Dad! Don't encourage him!" (Y/n) glared.

Without hesitation Luffy pointed the dagger under his eye and stabs himself. Everyone panics at his actions.

"Ouch!!" Luffy cries out in pain. "Luffy, you idiot! What was that!" (Y/n) shrieks.

Back in Patty's Bar, everyone was celebrating Luffy's well, his new scar.

"That didn't hurt." Luffy winced. "'That didn't hurt', yeah right!" (Y/n) bandages Luffy's cheek. "Thank you Makino for the first aid kit.

"No problem, sweetie." Makino smiled at her.

"Hey, you got to take me with you on your next adventure Shanks. I want to be a pirate just like you." Luffy explained. Shanks laughed at him. "Right as if you could ever be a pirate."

"Why couldn't I?" Luffy asked.

Yassop joined in. "Look you may be a good swimmer and all, but that doesn't mean you'll be a great pirate."

"But, I'm a great fighter too! My punches are like two pistols." Luffy exclaimed.

"Are they now?" Shanks ate.

"What's that suppose to mean!?" Luffy demanded.

"Haha! He means you're too much of a kid, kid!" Lucky Roo laughed.

"He's right you know. My boy and (Y/n)'s older than you." Yassop added.

"I'm not a kid! I'm a grown up!" Luffy yells.

"Well, I'm sure Luffy and I will be great pirates when we're older!" (Y/n) told. "Here you two, have some juice and calm down." Shanks hands Luffy and (Y/n) a glass of juice.

"Wow! Thanks Shanks/Dad!" (Y/n) and Luffy drank their juice.

"I don't know one pirate who drinks juice!" Shanks slammed his hand to the table as he laughed.

"Hey you tricked us!" (Y/n) yells. Everyone in the bar bursted out laughing. "STOP LAUGHING!!!" (Y/n) and Luffy screamed at them. "THAT WAS A CHEAP SHOT!!!" Luffy screamed.

"I hate you all." (Y/n) pouts as she crosses her arms.

Everyone stopped laughing when someone kicked open the door. It was a group of bandits entered inside the bar. Everyone stopped and stared at the group, but Shanks continued to eat his food. The leader of the bandits walks towards the back where Shanks, Makino, Luffy, and (Y/n) were.

"Welcome, gentlemen. What can I do for you?" Makino greeted.

"We're mountain bandits, but we didnt come tear your bar apart. All we want is some sake. I say ten barrels will do." The leader, Higuma demands.

"I'm sorry, but we're fresh out of sake right now." Makino explains.

"Well, these pirates are still drinking. Is that water in their glasses?" Higuma questioned.

"No, that was the last of what I had stocked up."

Higuma was beginning to get irritated, but Shanks spoke about an offer. "Sorry about that gentlemen. It seem like my crew and I drank the whole place dry. You could have this one though, it hasn't been open yet." Shanks hands him a bottle. Instead of taking it, Higuma smashes it. Makino and (Y/n) gasped, Luffy stared in shock, and the crew continued to watch. "I'm wanted. There's 8,000,000 beli on my head. One bottle isn't good enough. So don't insult me." Higuma warns.

"Oh man. Now the floors wet. Sorry about that, Makino. You got a rag I can clean up with this." Shanks begins to pick up the mess. Makino told him that he didn't have to do that. Suddenly Higuma made more of a mess. He decided to leave the bar with his men.

"Shanks are you alright?" Makino kneeled down to Shanks. "Are you okay, Dad? That was kind of bad." (Y/n) joined them. "Don't worry about it, girls. I'm fine." Shanks said. Within a second he had a grin on his face. The whole crew broke into a laughing fit of what just happened. Shanks joined in as Makino was cleaning him up. As for (Y/n), she couldn't help having a small smile on her lips as she shakes her head.


Shanks smiles at Luffy. "Look, Luffy I know how you feel, but the guy just spilled some booze on me. There's no need to be so angry about it."

"Whatever." Luffy pouts. (Y/n) turned towards her father. "All we have to do is laugh it off right, Dad. Like that one time those waves splashed all over me when we landed on a different island, right?" Shanks ruffled his daughter's head. "That's my little girl."

Makino finished cleaning up Shanks as they both smiled at each other. Even thought (Y/n) was only ten, she did find it that they would make an adorable couple. The tree of them heard a munching noise coming from Luffy.

"You shouldn't eat out of frustration, Luffy." Shanks advised. "Shut up!" Luffy snapped.

(Y/n) took a closer look on what he was eating and her eyes widen on the fruit he was eating. "Uh, Dad!" Shanks eyes widen too. "Wait, what are you eating?!"

Luffy swallowed as he looked nervously at Shanks.

"No you didn't! Don't tell me you ate the fruit that was inside the box!" Luffy couldn't answer him. Shanks grabbed Luffy and startled to shake him upside down. "Luffy, spit it out! Right now, everyone single bite!"

"What are you doing?! Why are you shaking me-" Luffy's legs suddenly stretched as his face fell to the floor and he stretched back. "What's going on?"

Shanks pulled Luffy close to his face. "Luffy, you just ate the Gum-Gum Fruit! A fruit called the Devil Fruit! Eating any of them takes your ability to swim for the rest of your life, but the one you ate turns your body into rubber!"

"NO WAY!!! IT CAN'T!!!"


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