Just us three

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Time had passed since the fire at Gray Terminal and Sabo's death. Trash and junk began to overflow Gray Terminal again, as well as having new residence. As for the now three children, Ace, Luffy, and (Y/n) took some time to heal their wounds and their hearts after the whole incidents. Now, the three children were out in their usual spot in the forest as they were continuing their training to become strong pirates. 

"You're in for it this time!!! Here it comes!!!" Luffy charges at Ace as he readies his attack. "Now Gum-Gum Pistol!!!" Ace dodges Luffy's hit on time as his arm goes further away. It really amazed Ace and (Y/n) of how far Luffy's arm went. Luffy's eyes widen when his arm goes back to him and he spins out of control. Ace and (Y/n) laughed at his misfortune. (Y/n) calmed herself down as Ace smirked at Luffy. "Are you kidding? You still suck butt." Ace laughed. (Y/n) walks up to Luffy to see that his eyes are still dizzy from his spin. "Poor, poor Luffy." She shook her head. 

"It doesn't matter when you punch so hard if you can't hit anything." Ace told. "I told you, rubber's a crappy power. Its no good for fighting." 

"Ace, come on. Cut him some slack." (Y/n) told Ace.

Luffy got mad as he stood up. "Shut up! You're dumb!" Luffy shouts at Ace. 

"You're the dumb one!!! I'm honest, thats all!! I'm trying to save you from falling on your stupid rubber ass all day!!!" Ace barked back. 

"You're just jealous that you can't do awesome stuff like me!!! All you got is joke powers when I'm working on all kinds of cool moves!!!" Luffy yelled back. 

(Y/n) stands in between them to try to brake them up. "Luffy!! Ace!! Stop!! We are doing this training to be stronger!!" 

"Luffy. That was great. Man, that punch of yours flies further and further away everyday." The three children heard Sabo's voice encouraging Luffy. 

"Come on! If you go easy on him, then he'll get a big head!" Ace complains. "He's just trying to encourage Luffy to do his best." (Y/n) tried to reason. "I got stronger today and I'll be even stronger tomorrow!" Luffy cheered. The three children turned their heads. "Right, Sabo?!" They expected to see Sabo, but they forgot that their brother is no longer with them. All they see is boulder. They tried to hold their tears as they missed Sabo so much. Luffy steps away from Ace and (Y/n). He lets out a sigh. "Sabo was a nice brother. Not like you." 

Ace got mad at what Luffy stated. "You're trying to say that it'd be better if I'd died aren't you?!" He yelled.

 "I didn't say anything like that!' Luffy defending himself. 

"Yeah, but that's what you meant isn't it?!" Ace punched Luffy on his head. 

"Ace, don't do that!" (Y/n) exclaims. 

Luffy cried out in pain. "That's what I'm talking about! Sabo would never hit me, you jerk!" 

"So what?!" 

"Be nice to your brother thats what!!" 


"Ace!! Luffy!!! Cut it out!!!

Their argument can be heard throughout the forest. Well, more like Luffy and Ace arguing as (Y/n) tries to calm the boys down.

Later that day;  Dadan, Magra, and Dogra were inside the house having a peaceful moment to themselves when sudden a piece of paper that was covering a rock hit Dadan. She grabs the paper and reads it. 'I hereby establishing my own country.' From Ace. "He's doing what now?" Dadan questions. Another paper flies towards them and Dogra catches it. 'Me too.' From Luffy. One more paper comes in and Magra opens the last note. 'If you can't be 'em. Join 'em.' From (Y/n). The three bandits walk outside to see the three children have built their own forts. (Y/n) had her fort in the middle so Luffy and Ace won't fight. 

"What are you little idiots up to now?" Dadan questioned. "We need to be strong enough to live on our own. You're from the Dadan kingdom by the way." Luffy explains. "We still need to use your bath though." Ace adds. "I tried to make them make up with each other, but we'd all agree to do this instead." (Y/n) placed her hand on her head tiredly. Both Luffy and Ace turned their heads away from each other. Dadan and (Y/n) looked at each other before they both gave out a tired sigh. 

The next day, the three children were out in the forest hunting. Right now, Luffy was in a battle stance with the same bear he and his siblings encountered in the winter. Ace and (Y/n) were sitting up on a tree as they watched Luffy. The bear continues to growl at Luffy. 

Luffy turns his head towards Ace and (Y/n). "Ace! (Y/n)! This one is way too big! I need your guys' help!' Ace turned his head away. "You? The mighty King Luffy need help?" (Y/n) turned to Ace. "I think we should help him, Ace." 

Ace still refused. The bears growls loudly at Luffy. "Here goes!" Luffy exclaims. He goes to attack the bear. He leaps away from the bear's claws as it tries to get Luffy. He tries to attack the bear with his water pipe, but nothing worked. The bear had the sudden advantage and slashes Luffy, seriously injuring him. Luffy cries out in pain. (Y/n) and Ace's eyes widen from what happened. "NOOO!!!" They screamed in terror. 

Rain suddenly fell from the sky. Ace was running while he was carrying Luffy on his back. (Y/n) ran ahead to try to get help from the bandits. She was the first to made it to the bandit house as Ace followed from behind. She rapidly knocks on the door. "Help! Dadan kingdom! Luffy is hurt real bad!!" The door opens to reveal Magra. "Magra! Please! It's Luffy! He got hurt!!" Tears were coming out from (Y/n)'s eyes. Magra's eyes widen when Ace comes up with Luffy. "Okay, kids! Hurry up! Bring him inside!" Magra ushered them in. Magra quickly patched up Luffy and made sure he didn't have any other serious injuries from the bear. Ace and (Y/n) were crying in the corner as they feared for Luffy's life. 

"Okay, wow. Its a good thing you brought him here when you did. Also if this cut was any deeper, he'd probably would have died on the spot." Magra explains as he continues to examine Luffy. He turns to Ace and (Y/n) with a worried look on his face. "I'd hate to say it, but it doesn't look good with the three of you." 

Ace continues to cry. "Its all my fault." He blames himself. "I'd knew better. Even if you were a captain, fighting allow doesn't make you any stronger. I'm still no good! I'm still not good enough!" Ace cries more. (Y/n) tries to wipe her tears away, but more comes out. "I wished I did something! I really wished I did something to make myself stronger to protect those I care about!" (Y/n) wails. Magra smiled gently at them. "Now, now." He tried to calm them down. "I'm sorry, Luffy. I let you down." Ace apologized. (Y/n) turned towards Ace and hugs him. He leans in and he cries into her shoulder. 

The next day, the rain had finally stopped and someone decided to pay them a visit. Makino came by a brought booze for the bandits as she was outside with Ace and (Y/n). Ace decided to ask Makino for help about something important. 

"You want to know how to properly say thank you?" Makino questioned Ace nods. "And whats this about paying respects?" She asked again. "As a pirate, Luffy's big brother, and someone who sees (Y/n) as the most important girl to him. I need to pay my respects to this Shanks guy." Ace explains. He turns to (Y/n). "Shanks is your dad and you said that he saved your life and Luffy's life. So its the least thing I can do." Ace said proudly. He opens his eyes to see (Y/n) smiling and blushing at him, while Makino smiled at the two children in front of her. "Got something to say to me?!" Ace yelled. (Y/n) and Makino giggles. "Sorry, sorry. Okay, I think I can give you some tips. For starters after a meal..." Makino began to explain on how to say thank you after a meal. 

After Luffy was healed up, the three children were back at High Town as they ran away from doing another dine and dash. The chef was chasing after the three children as they ran away from him. Suddenly, Ace remembered Makino's advice. "Wait a sec. We'd almost forgot. Gotta pay respects." Luffy and (Y/n) knew that ace was correct. The three of them stopped and turned towards the chef. They all bowed their heads. "Thank you for the meal, sir." The chef's eyes widen with anger. "Keep your thanks! Are you brats going to pay me or what?!"

After the event day, the three of them trained everyday to get stronger and stronger. They went back to find the bear and battled it. They grew stronger since the last time they saw the bear and they were able to defeat it. To celebrate, they had bear meat stew. More and more days have gone by as they battled other thieves in the winters, fighting giant bugs in the summer, to fighting Garp whenever he gets back from his Navy duties. It was hard work, but they knew their battles will help them in their future battles with rivals they will meet in seas. 

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