Chapter Twenty - This Guilty Blood

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[It is nighttime, bodies and bodies are laying on the deck. Jace walks past them. He kneels down by a girl.]

Everyone gasped.

CLARY: Jace!

Everyone looked shocked

[Jace turns around.]

JACE: Clary? Clary.

[They go toward each other and meet on the docks.]

JACE: How did you get here?

CLARY: I portaled in. Come on, let's go. We don't have much time.

JACE: I can't.

"What" said Remus in surprise.

CLARY: What?

[A guard looks around.]

JACE: Look, we gotta get you out of here.

CLARY: No, I'm not leaving without you.

[The guard sees them and runs towards Clary and Jace. He is about to attack them when Jace jumps forward and fights him. Clary watches them fight. Jace manages to get the man's blade. Valentine approaches them.]

VALENTINE: My dear Clarissa. You are tenacious, aren't you?

[Jace protects Clary wielding the blade towards Valentine.]

JACE: Stay back.

[Valentine grabs his own blade and starts fighting Jace. Jace pierces Valentine with his blade. He falls down.]

"Oh my god you killed him" said Maia.

Everyone looked shocked. Luke and Jace looked at the screen suspiciously, Valentine was a better fighter than that.

JACE: I killed him.

CLARY: Jace, come on. Let's go.

GUARD: Valentine! No! Get them!

CLARY: We have to go, now!

[Jace and Clary start running and enter the ship. Inside, Valentine, still alive, attacks them. Jace looks shocked.]

Everyone looked shocked.

VALENTINE: Miss me, son?

[Jace and Valentine fight again. Jace pierces Valentine and together, they fall over the edge to the lower part of the ship. Clary looks down.]

CLARY: Jace!

[Jace takes his blade from Valentine's body. Suddenly, "Valentine" transforms into another guy. Jace is shocked. Now Jace looks around when he hears grunting. Cages full of prisoners rattle. Clary comes running down.]

"Oh" said Laina softly "None of those were actually Valentine.

"That makes sense" said Luke "Valentine was a better fighter than that"

CLARY: What is this place?

JACE: Looks like a Downworld prison.

"Thats disgusting" said Hermione.

CLARY: More like a zoo.

"Even worse" said Rose.

JACE: Where is the Portal?

[Clary activates a rune on her wrist and she reveals to be Valentine. Jace is angry.]

Everyone sighs. Jace puts his head in his arms.

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now