Chapter Sixty Two - Alliance

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[Nighttime. Jonathan is sitting at a café table outside. With trembling hands, Jonathan picks up a cup of hot chocolate and takes a sip. The Seelie Queen is sitting across from him in her young woman form, she has a grin on her face.]

"He kidnapped her, how is she not killing him on the spot" asked Ginny, "It's not as though she isn't ruthless enough to do it"

"Seelie take their time when it come to their revenge" explained Magnus,

SEELIE QUEEN: Not feeling yourself?

JONATHAN: I can't taste anything anymore.

"What?" Rose asked sounding confused.

SEELIE QUEEN: It is beginning.

JONATHAN: What is?

SEELIE QUEEN: Your transformation. Your truer nature is finally starting to burn away all that is left of your...

"Humanity" Clary finished of.

Everyone went silent.

JONATHAN: My humanity.

Clary looked down.

SEELIE QUEEN: Those wings you birthed once your sister was taken away from you... You're very much becoming who you were always meant to be, and it's quite beautiful.

JONATHAN: You're not here to flirt with me.

"I wouldn't put it past her" said Alec, sounding disgusted.

SEELIE QUEEN: I'm here to help you. Although, I'll flirt with you as well, if you'd like. My predecessor, she saw this with her own eyes, when Lucifer was torn free from Michael with the very same blade that cleaved you from your sister.

"Wait, so the last Seelie Ruler was alive thousands of years ago" said Ron, sounding shocked.

"Yeah, Seelie are immortal" said Magnus.

JONATHAN: And that allowed him to become what? The devil?

SEELIE QUEEN: A demon to end all demons. But not before he went through what I gather was a very painful metamorphosis.

"So Jonathon's going to be the next Lucifer" said Luke, fear in his voice.

"But Lucifer barely touched this earthly plain, Jonathon wants it all" said Maryse.

JONATHAN: While I appreciate the history lesson, I struggle to understand why it is you felt the need to share.

SEELIE QUEEN: I'm a bit of a preservationist. And you are the most unique thing in the entire world. I can help you adjust–

[The Seelie Queen reaches out with her hand. Jonathan shoots up. His eyes become black.]

"Holy Shit, I don't think I'll get used to that" said Jace, jumping in his seat.

"Neither" said Alec, rubbing his forehead.

JONATHAN: Don't touch me.

[Jonathan walks onto the street.]

SEELIE QUEEN: Where are you going?

[Jonathan opens his wings.]

"I don't think I'll ever get used to that either" said Laina.

"You're mad is you could forget" said Izzy.

JONATHAN: Away from you.

[Jonathan shoots up in the air. He's gone. The Seelie Queen looks up, her breath trembling.]

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now