Chapter Twenty Five - Iron Sisters

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"Wow" said Laina in awe.

"What's that" asked Hermione.

"The Adamant Citadel" replied Izzy "Its where the Sister create the weapons"

[The Iron Sisters are marching. There is a montage of the creation of the Mortal Instruments.]

Everyone looks t the screen in awe or fasination.

[Two Iron Sisters stand across from each other, their swords to each other.]

Izzy and Laina smiled at eachother, this was going to be amazing to watch.

Luke looked at the screen, that was his sister.

MAGDALENA: Ignis aurum probat.

"Fire tests gold" said Laina "Mine and Leah's motto"

"It was" asked Rose.

"Yeah" replied Laina.


[Their swords light up. They yell and battle each other.]

"Wow" said Alec.

 [Magdalena manages to get her sword to Cleophas' throat.]

MAGDALENA: You let your mind wander, Sister Cleophas.

[They both smile and lower their swords.]

CLEOPHAS: A job well done, Iron Sisters. The swords pass inspection.

[An older Sister steps forward.]

DOLORES: Sisters. I have news from Idris. [walking towards Cleophas and Magdalena] The Circle has attacked the City of Bones. Only a few survived. Valentine has taken the Soul-Sword. 

The happy mood in the room vanished.

DOLORES: [turning to the group] Nobody is safe. Reinforce the Citadel.



[Clary is drawing the rune she saw in a vision.]

JACE: Yeah, I'm not seeing it in the Gray Book.

CLARY: Well, isn't that thing supposed to have every single rune?

"There are some that have been removed" said Luke.

JACE: Some of them are removed. They're reserved for the most elite members of the Clave.

CLARY: I'm not exactly elite, so why do I know it?

JACE: Maybe you saw it somewhere and you don't remember.

CLARY: No, it just... It appeared, like a vision. Like someone or something was trying to send me a message. Maybe it's from our mom.

"Clary" said Luke sadly.

JACE: Clary, I know you miss her–

CLARY: How else do you explain it?

JACE: I don't know.

CLARY: You know, I'll just go ask Izzy, Laina and Alec. Maybe they'll know something.

[Clary has ripped out the paper with the drawing out of her book.]

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora