Chapter Fifty Three - Original Sin

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[The lights in the apartment are flickering heavily. Jonathan's eyes have become black. The whole room shakes. Suddenly, it is over.]

Everyone gasps.

CLARY: What was that?

JONATHAN: Just a little change of locale.

[Clary goes over to the balcony doors, opens them and walks outside. Paris. Jonathan stands next to her.]

"Paris" said Clary in awe.

"Looks like there is a silver lining" said Rose.

Clary snorts "I would rather be safe and be in New York.

"I can imagine" said Rose.

JONATHAN: What's wrong? You're in Paris. I thought you'd be happy.

"Not to keen to be shacked to my demon-blooded brother" said Clary.

CLARY: Sorry... I'm not, uh... thrilled to be shackled to my demon-blooded brother

Everyone snorts.

JONATHAN: I take it you're afraid of our little bond. I forgive you for trying to kill me, by the way.

"Well I don't forgive him for killing a number of people and almost killing another number of people" said Clary.

"Can you stop talking about Jonathon killing people" asked Laina "When you do, all I can imagine is Max's head being beaten against Alec's desk".

Everyone looks down.

[Clary walks back inside.]

CLARY: So... how does this work? If one of us gets hurt, the other does too?

"That is what it looks like" said Remus.

JONATHAN: That appears to be the case.

CLARY: It must be an effect of that rune Lilith used to resurrect you.

"I think she is linking your lives" said Magnus.

JONATHAN: Well, if we can't be enemies, perhaps we'll be allies. We never got a chance to know each other. And what better place than Paris? Home of Renoir, Matisse, Van Gogh and now... Morgenstern.

"Oh for Angels sake" snapped Clary.

Luke grinned.

"What?" asked Clary.

"It is just 'for Angels sake' you are sounding like a Shadowhunter now"

Everyone grinned as Clary laughed.

CLARY: Oh, give me a break!

JONATHAN: You're a great artist, Clary. I admire that. I'm gonna go get us some food. How about I pick up some art supplies, and you can show me how you work?

[Jonathan walks to the door. Clary thinks about it, then quickly turns around.]

CLARY: Jonathan, wait. Take me with you. If you really wanna get to know me, you can't keep me locked up in here.

"I don't think he gonna let you come" said Jace.

JONATHAN: I'm afraid it's not that simple.

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now