Chapter Forty Seven - A Window Into an Empty Room

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[Heidi is doing her make-up. She hears Simon's singing on a recording in the background.]

"Thats creepy" chimed Rose.

HEIDI: What do we think? [opening a lipstick] Matte or glossy? Glossy it is. Nothing wrong with a little sparkle. It is a special occasion.

[She applies the gloss. Behind her, a woman whimpers. She's hanging upside down totally wrapped in plastic. Blood is dripping from her body.]

"Oh my god" gasped Laina.

"Thats disgusting" said Clary.


[Simon and Kyle are standing in a yard behind a building. Kyle is wearing protection on his body and a helmet with a camera on his head.]

SIMON: You sure you wanna do this?

KYLE: We have no choice. The mark on your head, it activates whenever someone tries to attack you, right?

"What if I hurt him?" said Simon worriedly.

SIMON: As far as we know, yeah.

KYLE: So, then it's only logical. If you evade the attack, you'd be fine.

"It is the Seelie Queen, I don't think logic applies to her" said Alec dryly.

"True" said Izzy.

SIMON: Well, I'm not sure logic really applies here–

[Kyle takes a swing at Simon, Simon dodges it.]

"You have quick reflexes" said Jace "Although that is probably because you are a vampire"

"It is because of the vampire thing" said Simon "I have awful reflexes"


KYLE: You're pretty quick.

SIMON: I am a vampire. But you're not bad yourself, for like a surfer werewolf.

"Now he is gonna defend surfers" said Maia.

KYLE: You know, some of the world's best athletes are surfers.

"See" said Maia.

"No one contradicted you" said Hermione

SIMON: Not in New Jersey.

KYLE: Well, I was born on the Gold Coast, remember?

SIMON: [sarcastically] Is that in Australia? You know you haven't mentioned that.

Everyone laughed.

[Kyle goes for another swing. And another one. Again, Simon dodges them.]

Izzy nods approvingly.

SIMON: You know, actually, my girlfriend grew up near the Jersey Shore, too.

KYLE: Oh yeah?

SIMON: Yeah, Maia's actually gonna be in town tomorrow. We should get lunch. I mean, she's dying to meet you. We could see a movie. We could kinda–

"I don't want to see him" growled Maia.

[Kyle has his back turned to Simon. In a sudden move, he turns and swings at Simon. The mark on Simon's head lights up and blasts Kyle away into a pile of planks. Kyle groans.]

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now