Chapter Forty Nine - A Heart of Darkness

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[Simon is sitting on the ground by the salt that Lilith's men turned into.]

Simon pales remembering what happened.

[ Luke presses the button for the elevator.]

LUKE: First floor's clear. There's no one else down here.

SIMON: These possessed mundanes... I've hurt people before, but I've never turned anyone into salt.

"I think it was because they tried to kill you, while everyone else tried to hurt you" said Magnus thoughtfully.

LUKE: Look, we don't have time for that right now. We need to find Ollie.

"He is right" said Alec.


[Lilith is pacing.]

LILITH: Do understand the Daylighter could ruin everything.

"Me?" said Simon.

"Yes you" said Laina annoyed "Did you see what you did to her followers"

OLLIE: We will protect you, Mother.

LILITH: You can't. Where are the intruders now?

[Shot of Luke and Simon in the elevator. Cut back to the apartment.]

OLLIE: If the vampire is still here, we should leave.

LILITH: No. We stay right where we are.

[Lilith charges her magic. The building starts shaking. Lilith eyes turn red, so does the magic in her hands. There's a whirlwind around her. Then there's a flash. Simon and Luke exit the elevator, only to find an empty room.]

"What?" said Sirius confused.

[ There's a flash onto another building and Lilith, Ollie and the chest with Jonathan's body appear up there in a greenhouse. ]

"How the hell did she do that?" asked Maia.

No one replied.

[Ollie steps out of the building and looks down from the roof.]

OLLIE: Where are we? [turning to Lilith] How did you do that?

LILITH: No one will stop me from bringing my boy back.

Everyone looked angry.



[Jace is still trapped in the cage of light that's bound by the swords. He touches the invisible wall and he flinches because it burns. ]

"Sorry" said Laina.

"It is for the best" said Jace.

[Izzy, Laina and Alec enter.]

ISABELLE: It's no use trying to escape. The trap you're in was designed to hold a Greater Demon.

"How rude" said Jace in mock offence.

JACE: Well, that's not very nice, trapping your brother in a box.

[Laina scoffs]

ALEC: You're not our brother. And don't get too comfortable, because we're gonna bring him back.

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora