Chapter Five - The Mortal Cup

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[A dark street during nighttime. An Asian man looks around and starts walking. He is followed by Alec. When the man turns around, Alec shoots up into the air. A shot of a roof. Izzy and Laina, wearing a platinum wigs, activates a rune on her lower arms with their stele.]

"What are those?" asked Molly.

"Runes, they give us Shadowhunter our angelic powers" said Izzy.

Molly nodded

[ She continues to follow the Asian man. When he bumps into another man, he suddenly transforms into him.]

"What the - " exclaimed Ron.

"Ravener Demon, shapeshifter" said Alec.

 [Jace is watching the man from an overhanging roof. The man bumps into a woman in a purple dress, he transforms into her. Her eyes light up. Izzy, Jace and Alec jump from the roof and land behind the woman. She is walking towards the Pandemonium. Jace wants to go in as well, but bumps into Clary.]

CLARY: Hey, can you watch where you're going?

JACE: You can see me?

"Smooth" joked Fred.


[Clary walks into the Brooklyn Academy of Art.]

CLARY: [to herself] You got this.

"First sign of madness" said Ginny cheekily.


[Clary sits down in front of the three judges.]

CLARY: I'm Clary Fray.

[Clary presents her art to the man and women.]

"That's really good" said Rose.

Clary smiled at her.

WOMAN#1: This landscape is very... decorative.

CLARY: Well, I wasn't going for decorative, exactly.

WOMAN#1: What are those?

CLARY: Oh, those. Nothing, just, um... some ideas for a graphic novel I'm drawing with a friend. Really, it's just there by mistake.

WOMAN#1: The Brooklyn Academy of Art doesn't believe in mistakes.


[Clary walks in the cafeteria. She looks upset.]

SIMON: Give me the professors' names and I... I will end them. You know, with... with a scathing e-mail to the dean.

Jace and Fred snorted. And Alec rolled his eyes.

CLARY: Don't bother. [She gives Simon a letter that says "Congratulations"]

"Well done" said Laina.

SIMON: What? The sad face? Really? Well played, well played.

CLARY: Thank you. You know, it's weird. They kind of liked my assigned work, but they flipped out over the drawings for our graphic novel.

SIMON: You're welcome.

CLARY: This day will go down in history as the greatest 18th birthday I ever had.

"It's the only 18th birthday you will have" said Sirius sarcastically.

SIMON: Which is why we are celebrating tonight. Yes, with Maureen, after our show.

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