Chapter Twenty Six - How Are Thou Fallen

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[A cloaked figure is walking the streets of New York. They enter an industrial building and go into a room where the Soul-Sword is on display. The figure is Iron Sister Cleophas.]

Luke glared at the screen.

VALENTINE: Most traitors are harder to catch. [He jumps down from a higher floor.] After all these years... why ignite your Circle rune, hmm? What's your game, Cleophas?

CLEOPHAS: There is no game. I'm not a traitor. I did what I had to do after the Uprising, but I never stopped believing in you.

VALENTINE: You were all cowards. Giving up the minute you thought I was dead.

CLEOPHAS: I had no choice. Becoming an Iron Sister was about survival. It was that or a death sentence.

VALENTINE: You're following in your mother's footsteps. That's very sweet.

Luke scoffed.

CLEOPHAS: When I met your daughter, and heard that you were alive, I knew there was hope. I knew I had a second chance.

VALENTINE: And what do you know about Clarissa?

CLEOPHAS: She created a rune. Valentine, in all my training, I've never seen anything like it. She's special.

VALENTINE: You expect me to take you at your word?

CLEOPHAS: I will prove it to you.

"How could she" snarled Izzy.


[An old man is being held in chains, it is the Angel Ithuriel. Valentine speaks to him.]

"Who's that?" questioned Ginny.

"I don't know" said Magnus.

VALENTINE: You know, old friend, I freed you from your entombment, granted you shelter, and this is what you do? Warning Clarissa is futile. You know that. I already have the Mortal Sword. The storm is coming, whether you like it or not. Leave my daughter alone.

"Wait" said Laina "He has the sword, and he will have a bolt of lightning so does that mean that is a ......"

"Angel" said Magnus softly "I think so"

"How could Valentine trap and angel" said Alec disgusted "I thought that was one line that he would never cross"

"I mean he has already committed genocide" said Clary "Anything is possible once you have crossed that line."

"You don't get it Clary" said Jace "Shadowhunters see Angels as pure goodness, they stand for everything that Shadowhunters should stand for. Harming one is worse than anything Valentine had ever done and worse than anything he will ever do."


[Clary is walking to the Ops Center. Suddenly, she hears distorted screaming. She looks around and sees nobody else reacting to it.]

Everyone looked at the screen confused. Magnus thought he had a vague idea of what was going on.

[ She approaches the first person she sees, Lindsay.]

CLARY: Hey, did you hear that?

LINDSAY: Hear what?

CLARY: That sound just now.

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now