Chapter Four - Shadowhunter videos

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"We will start of with the main video about the whole story" said the voice.

"That's definitely different to our world" said Rose awkwardly.

"Ye you guys are definitely more violent" said Sirius.

"ye, well we don't magical sticks of wood" said Alec dryly.

"Now it is the girl with hair so vibrant only the weasleys could challenge it"said the voice "Clary Fray"

"My mum, I find my mum" Clary says happily.

"Ye and it seems like you become a pretty badass Shadowhunter" said my big brother Jace happily.

"Now it is Jace Wayland's turn" said the voice

Tonks, Rose, Ginny and Hermione were all lightly swooning.

"Why did you kiss me" said Maia with a look of disgust on her face.

Jace shrugged his shoulder.

"Why did your eyes light up" asked Laina.

"Dunno" replied Jace.

"Now is is the archer Alec Lightwoods turn" said the voice.

I could see my brother tense up.

I could see everyone look awkwardly at Alec. I echanges a look with Laina and when we did we both swore that we would help our brother.

"Why would Maryse say that about me" said Jace sadly.

No one knew what to say to that.

"Whats a parabatai" said Remus.

"A parabatai is a pair of Nephilim warriors that swear to fight and protect each other. Their souls are literally connected through an angelic bond" said Laina.

Remus nodded in understanding.

"Next is the gorgeous Isabelle Lightwood" said the voice.

"Yin Fen" asked Alec "Izzy has that happened yet?"

"No big brother. Whats Yin Fen?" 

"Its a substance made from vampire venom" Laina replied "used for short term relief on demon injuries"

"Oh  " I replied, I had no idea what else to say to that.

" Next is the wonderful Adelaine Lightwood's turn" said the voice.

(Like Rose, Adelaine will not have a video instead i will write out about her. She is like Alec at the start, believing in the fact that 'emotions cloud judgment'. But she is not as serious as him. She is slightly flirtatious like Izzy but she is in a serious relationship with a werewolf from Luke's pack. She has not told her sibling about her relationship. She had a parabatai -Leah- who dies a year before she meets Clary. The death of Leah caused to develop an unhealthy habit of hitting the punching bag without wrapping her hands. The video will start of with a child version of her running, than an older version of her doing the exact same same thing. It will do that for her knife training, her punching a bag and her sparring. It will then we a montage of fight scenes and her training. There will be a scene of her walking through the Institute doors and everyone turning to look at her. Their will also be a few scenes of her punching the bag and then looking at her bruised knuckles. There will be her arresting someone. In the background their will be 'The law is hard but it is the law' and 'emotions cloud judgement' and 'honor comes from the deed. There will also be the line that the seelie queen said 'Shadowhunters are all alike. Their mortality makes them fickle, selfish, weak. In the end they always choose their own kind'. This will be in the background when she is talking to a Shadowhunter and Liam (her boyfriend) is looking at her. It will end with her punching someone and the phrase 'we're lightwoods we break noses and except consequences' in the background. It is to the song warrior by Imagine Dragons.)

"Sick family motto" said Fred breaking the awkward tension.

"Addie, how long have you been punching the bag without wrapping your hands" asked Alec.

"Since Leah" said Laina after a pause.

"We'll help you Laina" I said "You don't need to do that"

I could see Maia squirm uncomfortably, and I knew what she was thinking. She probably did not know the amount of pressure on Shadowhunters.

"Now its Magnus Bane's turn" said the voice.

I could see all of the people from the Shadow World squirm awkwardly. It seems like everyone as their sad stories and everyone had misconceptions about everyone. 

"Next is Simon Lewis" said the voice

"I turn into a vampire" said Simion in disbelief

"Oh Simon " said Clary. She went up to him and hugged him tight.

"And those things my mum said"

"It's okay" I said "we can prevent that"

Simion nodded.

"Now it is the cop, the werewolf Luke Garroway's turn" said the voice.

"You were a shadowhunter, and your parabatai was Valentine" said Alec surprised.

"Ye" said Luke, staring into space.

Clary was shocked.

"You become alpha Luke" said Maia happily. she clapped him on the back. He grinned.

"Now for the last one, Maia freaking Roberts" said the voice

" Was that the guy who turned you" asked Simion.

"Ye" said Maia, she looked like she would burst into tears.

"Um should we start reacting or is their anything else" said the bushy- haired girl - Hermione.

"We will start of with the Shadow World" said the voice.

And the screen light up.

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now