Chapter Thirty Two - You Are Not Your Own

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[Valentine has is pounding with his hands against the glass. He looks desperate.]

VALENTINE: Please! Please! Guards! Somebody! I'm not Valentine! I am Magnus Bane! Valentine has escaped! Please! Somebody! Somebody!

"I has to be you Magnus" said Luke "There is no way Valentine would pretend to be you"

Magnus nodded "And I would never call my self filthy"


[Magnus enters and immediately takes off his coat and scarf. He picks up a hand mirror and looks at himself. He throws the mirror on the ground, smashing it. Magnus start rummaging through the cabinets. A voice makes him turn around.]

AZAZEL: Looking for a way to switch yourself back?

MAGNUS: You did this to me. You trapped me inside of a filthy warlock.

Magnus rolled his eyes.

AZAZEL: I wanted to give you incentive. You want freedom as a Shadowhunter? Give me the Mortal Cup.

MAGNUS: You'll have to switch me back first. The Cup is in a place where any demon-blooded intruder will be killed on sight.

AZAZEL: I have great faith in your ability to defy the odds.

MAGNUS: I don't bargain with demons.

[Azazel starts clenching his fist, making Magnus hemorrhage.]

Ginny pales, she hates blood.

AZAZEL: Give me the Cup, or you'll die a filthy warlock.



[Clary and Simon are laying in a bed. Simon kisses her forehead.]

"Oh God" said Maia in disgust.

CLARY: That is the best thing to wake up to, ever.

SIMON: Yeah?

CLARY: Yeah.

SIMON: So, tell me. Do you really like the bed better than the canoe?

CLARY: No. I much prefer waking up with my hair smelling like algae.

Fred snorted.

SIMON: See? I knew that. Love that smell.

CLARY: Really?

SIMON: Yeah. It reminds me of the time that Luke took us out on the lake, and you fell in.

Luke, Clary and Simon laughed.

"More like Simon pushed you in" said Luke.

CLARY: [gasping] Fell in?

SIMON: [chuckling] You were so mad.

CLARY: Well, I was mad because you stood up and tipped us over.

SIMON: No, that doesn't sound like me.

CLARY: Okay.

SIMON: I don't remember that. Yeah.

Everyone ginns.

[They're kissing when Clary's phone chimes. Clary takes a look at the text.]

CLARY: It's an update on Azazel, from Jace.

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora