Chapter Forty Two - The Power That Be

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[Lorenzo Rey is hosting a party. Alec and Magnus arrive.]

"You brought me along" said Alec in surprise.

Magnus shrugged.

MAGNUS: Well, here we are.

[Alec has eye contact with Rufus who gives him a dirty look.]

"Maybe bringing him wasn't the best thing to do" said Rose.

ALEC: [to Magnus] You're sure bringing me here was a good idea?

MAGNUS: It's better than coming by myself. [taking Alec's hand] I'm joking. They'll love you.

"Sure" said Laina sarcastically "A bunch of warlocks are gonna love a Lightwood"

[They let go and walk a bit.]

MAGNUS: Oh, just because you're the only Shadowhunter at a party full of warlocks doesn't mean you can't have fun.

Laina rolled her eyes.

ALEC: Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. You've known these people for centuries.

"And I wish that I didn't know most of them" said Magnus.

MAGNUS: You think that's a good thing? Trust me. I don't wanna be here any longer than I have to. But it's tradition for the outgoing High Warlock to pass the baton on to his replacement.

[Magnus looks over. Alec follows his gaze.]

ALEC: Is that him?

MAGNUS: The one and only: Lorenzo Rey, the new High Warlock of Brooklyn.

[Lorenzo sees Magnus and waves his arm.]

"He seems annoying" said Ginny.

"He is" said Magnus.

LORENZO: Magnus! Magnus Bane!

[Magnus wants to walk away, but Alec holds him back and they approach Lorenzo.]

Everyone laughs.

LORENZO: You made it, and you brought a friend.

"Yeah" said Jace teasingly "Just a friend.

Everyone laughs.

ALEC: [holding out his hand] Yes, hi, I'm–

LORENZO: Alec Lightwood, Head of the New York Institute. I expect we'll be seeing quite a bit of each other at your Downworld cabinet meetings. No hard feelings, right, Bane?

"I don't like him" said Rose.

MAGNUS: On the contrary, I'm very content in my new position. Being the High Warlock is a thankless job. Long hours, little pay. But I'm sure it doesn't matter to a young, civic-minded person as yourself

"How old is he" asked Izzy.

"Around 400 years old" replied Magnus.

"He's practically an infant" said Fred jokingly.

"For a warlock that is young" said Magnus.

LORENZO: Oh, don't be so jaded. I may only be 484, but I'm no stranger to service. All those years working for the High Warlock in Madrid have prepared me well. [to Alec] Although, I may not be as easy on you as he was. After all, I'm here to serve the warlocks, not Portal you around, like some glorified shuttle service.

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now