Chapter Sixteen - Alec, Jace, Laina and Izzy talk

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As the episode ends, everyone but the 4 Lightwoods go into their respective rooms.

The siblings were left in an awkward silence before Jace broke it " I can't believe you Alec"

"What" snapped Alec.

"How could you do that? How could you weaken our bond like that?"

"It's like I said, you already weakened it, I can't trust you anymore."

"How can you say that"

"Time and time again you chose that girl over us. Izzy and Addie could have lost their runes, how could expect me not to do anything"

Izzy and Laina were standing to the side ready to step in if needed.

"You could have asked me"

"Well you previous actions made it seem like you would have let them both be banished, if it meant keeping that girl happy" said Alec.

"Izzy and Laina are my sisters" said Jace "I would do anything for them"

"Ye, sure" said Alec rolling his eyes. "I'm sleeping in the room, you can sleep in here"

"You both need to talk this out" said Izzy interfering.

"She's right" agreed Laina.

"You were ready to let the Clave murder an innocent Downworlder" said Jace "Let's talk about that"

"He could have had information we needed"

"What if he didn't" questioned Izzy "Huh, he would have died"

"Your letting your emotions cloud your judgment" he said.

Laina raised an eyebrow "We're not, we are trying to save lives"

"You risked everything" 

"Well sometimes you have do do what you think is right Alec, and damn the consequences" said Laina.

Alec didn't know how to reply to that.

"How could you do that, give a innocent person something so close to a death sentence" asked Izzy softly.

"It was the most logical decision" 

"Logical, Alec - " started JAce.

"It's like Lydia said, we rule with out heads not with our hearts. You heard what happened to her fiance, what if that happened again? "said Alec.

"You can't send a Seelie to the Silent Brothers because of an 'what if' "said Izzy.

"I did what I thought was right" said Alec "And I don't regret it"

Laina, Jace and Izzy exchanged looks. Alec was stubborn, getting him to see sense would not be easy.

"Okay" said Laina breaking the silence "You did what you thought was right and we did what we thought was right, that discussion is over. But Jace and Alec, you both need to talk about what we just saw"

"You weakened the bond Jace, when you lied to me and betrayed my trust"

"Me. Me betray your trust. You said that I was dead to you" replied Jace, hurt etched across his face.

"That was an exaggeration and I am sorry" replied Alec "But you still betrayed me, why. Why would you chose Clary over me, I thought I meant more than that" 

"I didn't betray you, I tried to help you. To stop you from destroying yourself. You couldn't see the bigger picture"

"I could see the bigger picture, your the one who is so desperat for a fuc - "

"Well talking through this is obviously not going to work" said Izzy interrupting Alec.

"Ye maybe we should just see how your screen versions work it out and then you both can talk" said Laina.

Suddenly a flash of white appeared. When it went away they saw that an extra room was added. I read :

Jace                                                                                                                                                                                              (Only for tonight)

Jace nodded before entering the room. 

Without looked behind Alec entered his room.

Izzy and Laina exchanged looks before entering their room.

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя