Chapter Twenty Nine - Bound by Blood

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[Clary and Simon are making out in a canoe on a higher scaffolding. The canoe wobbles.]

Laina wrinkled her nose.

CLARY: Whoa! This is so weird.

SIMON: Yeah. Are my fangs in the way? Because I can totally, um–

"God" said Rose "Do not need to hear this" 

CLARY: No, no, you're fine. You're fine. It's just the canoe's a little small to–

SIMON: Yeah.

[They bump heads.]

Izzy eyes widened.


SIMON: Ooh, careful! Oh, I'm sorry.

[They kiss but then start giggling again.]

Rose faked gagged. Sirius and Remus exchanged a look - that is exactly what James would have done.

CLARY: I cannot believe I let you talk me into this.

SIMON: Me neither.

[They canoe wobbles again when they kiss.]

SIMON: It's okay. I got you.

CLARY: Oh, great. In that case, we'll just go down together.

SIMON: Well, I mean... [he moves from one side to the other] I'm pretty sure this thing is untippable

CLARY: Oh, yeah?

SIMON: Yeah.

CLARY: We'll just have to see about that.

[Clary sits up and lays Simon down.]

"Gross" said Ginny.

SIMON: Oh! Okay.

[Jace comes into the container. Clary and Simon take off Simon's shirt.]

Fred laughed.

[ They laugh and start kissing again. Jace looks up and just then, Clary throws Simon's shirt down, hitting Jace.]

Alec snorted.

[ Jace walks over to some ship horns and blows one. Surprised, Clary and Simon both look over the edge of the canoe.]

SIMON: Jace. Hey.

JACE: [to Clary] What the hell are you doing? I– You know what? Don't answer that.

Everyone laughed.

[Simon lets Clary by so she can get out of the canoe.]

SIMON: Here you go.

[They both jump down from the canoe.]

CLARY: Jace, it's okay. I'm safe here.

[Jace picks up Simon's shirt from the ground and throws it at Simon.]

JACE: Until Valentine stops hunting you, the only place you're safe is the Institute.

SIMON: [putting his shirt on] Really? I'm not sure you actually know how hiding works. The whole point is to, um, not be where everyone thinks you are. Trust me, I'm kind of an expert.

"Valentine knows that Luke is alpha for the New York Pack" said Izzy "And he knows where the headquarters is. He also know that your like family to Luke. So I am pretty sure he will have eyes on the Jade Wolf"

"She is right" said Laina, nodding her head in her sisters direction.

JACE: For an expert, you were pretty easy to find. Just be thankful I got to you before the Circle did.

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