Chapter Eleven - Break

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A L E  C  &  J A C E

"Alec can we talk? " said Jace breaking the award silence in their room

"Go on " said Alec.

"I'm sorry" 

"For what?"

"For being a dick, I should have listened to to. And I shouldn't have said those things about Maryse"

"Okay, you're forgiven"

"we also need to talk about your feelings"

"I am going to sleep in the main room on one of the couchs" said Alec getting up to leave. Jace quickly stood up and grabbed his hands.

"Alec we need to talk about this" said Jace "I don't mind, you know"

"How can you not care, if the clave found out we would both be deruned and you know it" said Alec angrily

"That's true " said Jace slowly "So kiss me"


"To see if you actually have feeling for me "

"Jace - " started Alec but he was cut of by Jace's lips. 

Alec threw jace off.

"How was that" asked Jace

"Like kissing my brother" replied Alec.

Jace and Alec started laughing. 

I Z Z Y  &  L A I N A  & C L A R Y 

"I'm sorry" said Clary "I should have been more considerate of you guys"

" You do realise that you haven't done any of those thing" said Izzy raising her eyebrows.

"Ye but I would have if we had not been taken here"

"Okay you're forgiven" said Laina.


As Magnus suck to his bed quite a few things crossed his mind, One of the first was about how he could say 'told you so' to Jocelyn when he next saw her , when ever the hell that would be. The next was the wizards. He was fascinated by their magic, it was not powered by demon blood. And the last was Alec Lightwood, the boy was interesting. To anyone on the outside he seemed cold and unfeeling, but from the private scenes they had seen it was obvious that he had a big and golden heart. Magnus found himself fascinated by him and he might have a teensy crush on him. And the fact that he was hella attractive certainly helped.


Simon was shocked, scared and confused. All of this new information scared him, not long ago his biggest concern was whether his fake ID would work (probably not) and now he has to worry about a version of his best friend - on a screen!- dying.

It was all to much for him


Maia was confused . The wizard confused her, she had thought that the only way for someone to have magic powers was if they had demon blood. She also thought that all magic users had warlock marks, and now there if a race that uses magic but does not have demon blood or warlock marks. 

Another thing she was confused about was Liam and Adelaine. Adelaine was a Lightwood and she had has heard many (not very positive) stories about Maryse and Robert Lightwood and hell she had even seen them on the screen.But Adelaine seemed different, all the Lightwood siblings seemed different. So maybe just maybe Liam and Adelaine could work. 

The last thing she thought about were the videos at the start, the ones that particularly surprised her was the ones for Alec and Adelaine Lightwood. She knew that Shadowhunters had to train hard to succeed but she never really thought about how much pressure they were under. And yes she knew their lives were easier than that of Downworlders, she still did not realise how hard they really were.


Luke did not know what to feel, many wounds had just been re-opened. Wounds that he had spent years trying to close. Jocelyn was also missing. He also had seen Maryse, he and Maryse were good friends before his transformation but then she had left him just like so many others. She had changed, she was no longer the passionate girl he had once knew but instead she was cold and cruel. He remembered the times when she would play with baby Alec before the uprising , he never thought she would be able to be so harsh to her children.

He also thought about the mortal cup, they needed to know how to find it. Before Valentine does.

H A R R Y  &  R O N  &  F R E D

"Those Shadowhunter people are weird" said Fred.

"Ye they are " replied Ron.

"Do you think that when we find out about our futures we will find out how to kill Voldemort" asked Harry.

"Hopefully" said Ron, Fred nodded in agreement.

R O S E  &  G I N N Y  &  H E R M I O N E 

"Do believe in what they were saying about them having angle and demon blood" asked Hermione .

" Yes why" replied Rose

"I mean there are nothing in any books - "

"Didn't that weird voice say that we were all come from different dimensions" interrupted Ginny

"True" said Hermione.

"That Jace guy is so hot" said Ginny after a second "But he is a bit of an ass"

Rose and Hermione burst into laughter.

M O L L Y  &  A R T H U R 

"How did our children get involved in all of this, why are they here" said Molly sadly.

"Our youngest boy became best friends with Harry and Rose Potter, and we grew to love them both like they were own " replied Arthur.

Molly nodded before falling asleep.

R E M U S  &  S I R I U S 

" Wow " said Sirius " All of this is so -"

"Yes, it is " replied Remus.

"Demons and angels, bloody hell" said Sirius flabbergasted.

Remus shook his head in disbelief.

"Dora is nothing like Dromeda" said Sirius breaking the silence.

"I guess, I never really knew Andromeda that well"


Tonks was shocked, this was the weirdest thing that has ever happened to her. Even after all the missions she had been on this was the oddest thing that had ever happened. Angels and demons and different dimensions they were all real. FATE was real. And her cousin Sirius was innocent, her mum would be so happy. And he had a very handsome friend.

(A/N) As you can probably tell I really ship Maryse and Luke. I quite like Maryse, I feel like she really became a better person and is really admirable. Not many people have to courage to make those sort of changes within themselves. I also feel like the uprising changed her from a warm girl to a cold woman. She is in my top 5 favourite Shadowhunter characters. 

Finding out about the future - A Shadowhunters and Harry Potter crossoverWhere stories live. Discover now