♡ Part 115: so suddenly ♡

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sakura: he's in my hands, and i don't plan on letting him go. 

a sudden kind of invisible weight pushed onto his body and he suddenly felt even more warm than he did before. sakura stared down to him with soft eyes that twinkled from the tears that she tried hard to hide, but that only made sasuke's eyes sting even more. 

sakura: thank you for brining sasuke into this world. 

sasuke snapped his head away from her and stared at the graves. his lips began to quiver and his vision blurred. 

sasuke: mom, dad..

a sad smile made it's way to his lips

sasuke: i've made friends, i have a girlfriend, big brother still takes care of me.... i'm sorry. 

it all finally made sense. 

sasuke: i didn't come to see you because i was scared.

he was scared of being rejected from this world, and that's why he hoped to see his parents soon in their current world. 

sasuke: did you know that i still play hockey? i haven't stopped, and now i'm captain of my team. 

he wished he could stop himself, but he couldn't. his cheeks were stained with a fresh set of tears and his heart tingled in pain. 

sasuke: i'm 17, and i've made it this far because of....... damn

he wiped his eyes but while he did so, he didn't notice the fact that sakura's hand that was on his shoulder slid down and was now holding his hand, and now she was kneeling down beside him. 

sasuke: i wish you were both here─

his tears wouldn't stop. 

sasuke: ─to see me today. i'm n-not the "cold boy" anymore, i have friends now. 

he wished that his parents could've been here to see the way he grew from being the cold boy that had no friends to a great guy with friends and a heart to share with them. 

sasuke: i really miss you

sasuke finally opened his eyes and glanced to the side to see sakura crying as well, and for some odd reason he took that as a chance to let more of his tears that were hidden for so long. 

sasuke: she's been there for me longer than i expected her to, but she's here. mom, dad, i have a girlfriend. she's nice, has a big forehead, but she taught me what you taught me, mom. 

he placed a hand onto his mother's gravestone.

sasuke: she taught me how to love again. 

2 DAYS LATER (March 7th)

it almost felt like a large amount of weight was released from his shoulders, the kind of weight he'd been feeling for years since his parents passed away. 

however, he was happy it was gone. 


shikamaru: and he told you that?

naruto: he did. 

hidan: ......

the trio sat in the classroom with solemn faces as naruto recalled what sasuke had told him the day before. 

naruto: teme has never done that before. 

naruto was the kind of person to cry even if people would think he was weak for it, and right now, he let a single tear escape his right eye. 

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