♡ Part 43: confession ♡

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they started their practice and things seemed normal for the most part, although sasori hadn't come to school at all today. sasuke still couldn't play either even though he had insisted to play. 

soon after, they finished and all headed home. sasuke and sakura began walking home together 

sasuke: it's not funny...

he embarrassingly looked to the side as sakura laughed

sakura: but why sheeps?

sasuke: hmph

he let out a small chuckle and then he gently brought his fingers to hers and intertwined them. she felt her heart beat out of her chest as she looked up at the raven haired boy and he smiled. but then he realized what he was doing and quickly let go of her

sasuke: s-so um

sakura got a call and she picked it up without looking at the caller ID. 


sakura: hello?

kiba: hey sakura

sakura: oh hi kiba

sasuke looked at sakura weirdly but he didn't want to say anything

kiba: you and hinata were supposed to hang out later on today right

sakura: yeah. why did something happen?

kiba: n-no, it's just that... is it okay if she stays with me instead?

the pinkettes eyes widened at his proposal

sakura: um.. sure

and then she smirked which caught sasukes attention

kiba: thanks sakura

sakura: no problem


sasuke: what did he say

sakura: he asked me if hinata could cancel on me to be with him

sasuke: kiba....and... hinata..... hn

sakura chuckled and they finally reached her doorstep. They looked into each others eyes. her eyes beamed with delight as she stared into sasukes. 

sasuke: .....

sakura: i guess i'll go inside

she turned and knocked on the door but then sasuke quickly turned her around

sasuke: be my girlfriend

sasuke couldn't ask that question any nicer than he just did. it just wasn't him and he knew he would cringe at himself once he thought about it an hour later. 

sakura: um

she looked down but sasuke tilted her chin up

sasuke: look up sakura, up

her emerald green orbs widened as she heard him say that. it brought her back to memories that she had with sasuke way before any of these feelings had started

sakura: ye--

kakashi: you're finally here. there's someone in the living room waiting for you sakura

she turned around and walked towards the living room confused. sasuke came in aswell

as she walked into the living room, her eyes widened at the sight of her parents. sasuke looked a little bit nervous if anything because, this was probably going to be the moment where he should tell her parents about his feelings

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