♡ Part 107: you won't be alone anymore ♡

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temari: this is basically a class trip

tenten: but it'll be so much fun!

sakura nudged temari's arm and once the latter's attention was caught, sakura motioned for her to take a glance into a certain direction.

temari watched shikamaru walk with a bag beside him that seemed to have skates in them.

the skates she bought him.

sakura: i guess it's time to move on, right?

temari: right.

they continued to walk to the outdoor skating rink and soon arrived with smiles creeping onto everyone's lips. after they got their skates ready and on, they went onto the rink and began to skate together. 

sakura: i think this is our first time just skating together and not playing hockey

the pinkette smiled as herself and sasuke skated side by side with their arms locked together

sasuke: yeah, hmph

as they skated, sasuke lost his balance and fell although due to the fact that his arm was locked in with sakura's, she fell as well. the two of stared at each other for a moment until sakura began to laugh and sasuke smiled through mortification. 

he would allow her to laugh at him because instead of letting him fall alone, she fell with him. 

sakura: c'mon get up

she stood onto her two feet and held a hand out to her boyfriend

sakura: let's skate together again

without hesitation, sasuke grabbed her hand and with her help, he stood up and was now standing just a few centimeters apart from her. 

there was a time where they felt like they were so far away from each other, but now they were so lose to the point where their practically silent breaths were actually audible to one another. 

sasuke: .....

skating together was one way a duo's love could be shown.

the couples were together, the friends groups were together, yet there was one person who seemed to be alone.


he watched from the rim of the rink as shikamaru skated alone. the way his blades grazed against the ice was ever so graceful─ such a person shouldn't be alone, yet he was. naruto was with his cousins, sakura and sasuke were together and everyone else had their groups or lovers.

shikamaru didn't have to be alone anymore.

just before he could step onto the ice, a touch to his shoulder caused him to turned his head slightly to the side

kakashi: there are some people who seem like they want to be alone, but in reality, they really need someone but don't know how to ask for it.

those simple words made hidan shift his attention back to shikamaru and allowed his magenta eyes to soften.

hidan: i know that already, old man.

he brought himself onto the ice and skated his way to shikamaru. he didn't want to be as graceful as shikamaru, he didn't want to be as kind as shikamaru.

all he wanted, was shikamaru.

hidan: .......

shikamaru glanced to the side and before he could react, hidan grabbed his arm and held it tightly

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