♡ Part 74: thinking of him ♡

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sasuke: she went home

naruto: she what?!!

the blonde practically yelled at the raven for the whole team to hear him, including kakashi. the latter didn't spare his best friend a glance while the former stared at him with wide and questioning eyes. the blonde boy cocked his head to their coach

naruto: .....she's not coming

hidan: the pink chick?

shikamaru slapped the silver hared boy's shoulder in attempt to stop him from butting in. 

kakashi: let's continue the tactics lesson. 

naruto understood fully well as to why kakashi didn't pay much mind to it in the moment. if he were to do so, then he would be causing unnecessary attention to culminate towards sakura. he knew better and so did naruto, but kakashi was just better at following through without letting his emotions get the best of himself. 

naruto eyed his best friend to see that his face remained stern with his eyes dazed and lips pressed into a hard line. 

naruto: -whisper- you're so getting your socks stolen after practice


she slammed her front door behind herself and charged her feet to her bedroom. she slammed her door behind herself and jumped onto her bed face-flat. she was finally alone in her room, and now, she can let it out. her eyes began to sting and before she could do anything to stop it, her tears began to sink into her pillow. 

sakura: -muffled- sasuke....

she felt like this was all her fault. he had a point in what he was saying but that only made her feel even more guilt to surge through her veins. 


sasuke: maybe... she was right.

sakura's eyes widened. she didn't want to believe the words that he said to her. 

sakura: s-sasuke..

he finally brought his face from the side to meet hers and the moment he did, a toxic yet painful shock ran through her body. she could see how hurt he was and she didn't want this to continue any longer. if there was a chance for her to redeem herself from the crimson actions she did to him, then she was going to take it.

she grabbed onto his arm even though he seemed like he didn't want it, she stared into his eyes in hopes of letting her regret reach him. 

sakura: sasuke... don't. 

the raven simply placed his hand over hers that was situated onto his arm and removed himself from her grasp. her top and bottom lip parted from each other at the realization of his action. 

sasuke: for now at least, let's just..... have time to ourselves. 

sakura: ....

she didn't want to cry. although her will did not match up with her emotions and so her eyes began to blur from the water that was building up in them. the raven noticed this and simply turned his back to her

sasuke: we're not breaking up, we're taking a break to see if we need to.

sakura: -whisper- sa--

he was already on his way. the pinkette stared at his retreating figure and wiped her eyes quickly before running and catching up to him. 

she wasn't going to let him go, not like this. 

sakura: sasuke, i'm sorry!

sasuke: sakura, let go....

her mouth was left open and her jaw shook from not knowing what to say. her eyes were wide but she refused to let go

sakura: just give me a---

he removed himself from her grasp and continued on his way. she pulled her hand back to herself and stared at him before taking her own quick retreat to the doors that lead outside. she walked out and made her way home in hopes of getting there in time before she blew up


'i'm so stupid........so stupid... so stupid'

she pushed herself up from her pillow and saw the wet marks that her tears left on it. she was pitiful---- she hurt naruto so much to the point where he made desperate actions and she hurt sasuke so much that she basically drove him away from her. 

she hated every bit of her past actions for what they had caused. 

she loves sasuke and she didn't want to let him go, but he forced his way out anyways. he was hurt, and she failed to cure him. naruto had been hurting, and she failed to notice until the last moment. 

she sighed and got up to head to the washroom. she washed her face and made her way back into her room where she changed into more comfortable clothes. she plopped onto her bed and took her phone out to see many missed messages from her best friend



naruto: sakura!

naruto: where were you?

naruto: why did you go home so early?     :c


sakura: i had something to do


naruto: liar

sakura: i had to go home quickly to do something, so i'm not lying. 

in theory, that was true. 

naruto: i'm coming over

sakura: i have some stuff to do, maybe another day?

naruto: sure   -_-


she threw her phone to the other side of her bed and covered her face with her hands. she felt that she couldn't make naruto worry over her anymore and so she had to keep him out of the loop for now at least. 

she sighed again and heard the front door from the first floor open. she made her way down the stairs to see kakashi standing there with a scrutinizing gaze

kakashi: what happened?

it didn't take sakura more than 5 seconds to jump into his arms and explain to him everything that happened. they went to the living room and she continued to explain as kakashi listened intently with his eyes narrowing from her spoken words. kakashi knew that this was bound to happen, but he didn't know that it would have an outcome like this.

kakashi: he didn't break up with you.... although i'm sure that you don't have much time to make things right. 

sakura: ......that's not the only reason why i feel so pathetic

kakashi: what else is there?

the pinkette paused for a moment before meeting his concerned eyes. obsidian and emerald locked with each other and it left the former to narrow as the latter began to sparkle more. 

sakura: there's a part of me that.....

she sighed

sakura: is thinking of naruto

♡ The Only Player SasuSaku ♡Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu