♡ Part 44: unknown feelings and a shattered heart ♡

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1 MONTH LATER (December 16th)


he walked to school with his face buried under his neck scarf while his hands were at the bottom of the pockets of his jacket. heck, it was freezing and the school still expected them to come prepared for work. at times like these, shikamaru would say 'what a drag'. it was certainly how he felt right now

he got to the school grounds and saw naruto and sakura there already. it had been a month that they've been dating but it felt like it's been a whole year. they spent so much time together and he couldn't help but open himself up to her.  whenever he was with her, there was a charm that she had that just made him want to have her in his arms all the time. although because of his stuck up and cold hearted personality, he didn't show it too often but he definitely let everyone know that he was in love with her. He would even tease her often by denying her love for him.

naruto: hey teme

sasuke: hmph dobe

he got to them and kissed sakura on her forehead as he intertwined their fingers together

naruto: so i was telling sakura that i'm hosting the Christmas party at my place

sasuke: hmph

he looked over to sakura and then back at his best friend

sasuke: did aunt kushina and uncle minato allow it?

naruto smiled widely and put a thumbs up for his best friend

as they continued talking, the other new couple made their way towards the trio. naruto looked over to them an felt a gentle smile create itself on his lips

hinata: g-good morning sakura-chan, sasuke-san and n-naruto-san

kiba: hey guys

they held hands as they walked over and sakura smiled widely at her best friend

sakura: you guys look great together

hinata: thank you s-sakura-chan

naruto: y-yeah hinata...

his smile slowly faded as he looked down and sakura noticed immediately what was going on with her best friend. she grabbed his wrist

sakura: i'll be back, one second

she quickly gave sasuke a peck on his cheek and dragged naruto towards the other side of the school. once they were far away from everyone, she stopped and stared up at her best friend.


sakura: what's wrong naruto

naruto forced a smile and looked into her eyes

naruto: ....

he didn't say anything because he couldn't lie to his best friend, and so he just smiled. sakura sighed

sakura: tell me naruto, this isn't like you

naruto gave up. he knew sakura could get through him and so there was no point in trying to even deny it

naruto: everyones getting together. and now.... i think i lost a friend

sakura hugged naruto. 

sakura: hinata right? 

she looked up at him and he nodded. she let go and crossed her arms

sakura: in all fairness, you did push her away when she liked you y'know

naruto: but that was because i didn't like her. but i would still want her as my friend y'know

sakura: ..... it's hard for hinata 

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