♡ Part 34: humiliated ♡

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temari went outside to take a breather. she looked up at the dark sky and tried looking for some stars but it was too cloudy for that. she watched the sky and felt herself get lost in the silence that surrounded her

shikamaru: what are you doing out here

she realized who's voice it was and looked down to see shikamaru standing before her. a smile landed on her lips.

temari: you came

he smiled and walked closer to her and stood beside her. he looked up as well and made a small smile

shikamaru: i didn't have a costume but i still came

she chuckled and looked up as well. 

temari: i don't see any stars

shikamaru: i mean i guess you're just blind cause there's one standing right next to you

he then immediately face palmed himself and temari looked at him. the loud slap sound that came from his face palm made the both of them laugh. if shikamaru was being honest with himself, he wasn't doing this out of pity. he was doing this because he wanted to be her friend and so that meant instead of avoiding her, he would just be friendly but he clearly fails at it. 


she got up to get herself and the others drinks. as she was headed there ,  she saw sasori getting himself a drink and once he turned around, he made eye contact with the pinkette. she gently smiled and walked towards him

sakura: sasori...

he stood there and stared at her

sakura: ....

sasori: i need to talk to you, haruno

sasori was the only one  who called her by her last name often. 

sakura: okay sasori, what is it

the other people that were there started to get louder and they started turning the music up and so now they couldn't really hear each other

sasori grabbed her wrist and took her to the backyard. the noise faded as he closed the door behind him and they sat down at the nearby bench

silence filled the air and they both looked down. although sasori broke the silence once he sighed

sasori: i'm sorry for everything sakura.... everything

she looked into his eyes for a second but then quickly looked back down. 

sakura: i don't understand why you did what you did. 

At this point, sasori couldn't hold it in anymore. He had to tell her everything.

sasori: i was being selfish and i... was jealous sakura. i was jealous of that loser because he seemed like he was your new best friend and that i was just a person of your past. y'know, it hurt me seeing you with him all the time because that's how we were. we were the best of friends sakura.... we really were and i realized that i was the one who messed it all up but i know i realized that when it was too late. sakura... i miss you... us

he said all that in one breath but he still looked down. but as he did, a droplet of water landed on his hand. he looked up and noticed the pink cheeks and watery eyes that sakura had. it felt like a stab to his heart seeing her like that. he tried to put a hand on her shoulder but she didn't allow it because she went in and hugged him. his eyes widened but very quickly hugged her back. it's been too long since they've embraced each others hug. it's been too long since they've..... loved each other.

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