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Hey guys... So I realized of the error I made and mixed Deku's quirk with the one from my story called The shark of love... I'm really sorry but for the story purpose, I'll say that the baby brought dormant powers from his father... yeah... That's it...

Bakugo's POV

"Shigaraki is alive..."

My heart stopped, we had so much trouble getting rid of this fucker just for him to be brought back!? I grab Deku tightly, Todoroki joins me immediately, we can feel him panic. This is bad for him and the baby, I need to calm my little omega.

"Deku shhh calm down... Your safe right now... We won't let him get you!" I say as I release calm pheromones.

Shinsou who heard the conversation came and rubbed Deku's back, but none of our attempts we're working, he was going into a panick attack.

"HE'S G-GONNA K-K-KILL YOU K-KACCHAN! HE'S G-GONNA MAKE ME P-PAY! I DON'T WANNA LOSE YOU KACCHAN! I CAN'T! I CAN'T! I CAN'T!" He screamed as he started to claw at us in his panic.

Me, Todoroki and Shinsou pinned him down as the class looked at us with empathy. Suddenly, Deku stopped moving, he just stared at the ceiling.


"It's okay, I ordered him to calm down..." Uso says looking sad.

"You forced him?" Shinsou asked confused.

"Well he actually refused my order, so I forced it..." He says with guilt.

I stood up and grabbed his collar, pulling him to my face.


"Wait, let's bring him to his dorm first and deal with him there..." Todoroki says growling at the idea of keeping him like this.

I sighed and let Uso go, I turned around, gently picked Deku up before we thanked Dabi for the warning and left. As we walked towards the school, I couldn't help but remember that awful night over and over again... I won't let it happen again, I'll die before that happens! I sigh and try to calm down since my angry pheromones we're a little crazy right now. I felt two hands on my shoulders, it was Todoroki and Shinsou.

"It won't happen again... I promise." Todoroki says to me.

"And I'll help you guys protect him!" Shinsou says with a small smile.

"He won't touch him... I'll kill him myself if I have to..." I growled before we entered the common room.

We made it to the kitchen before Aizawa, present mic, Nezu and midnight came from the rooms.

"Oh thank goodness you guys made it safe! There's a message from Shi-" Midnight said before Nezu spoke.

"Katsuki Bakugo, Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki and Shinsou Hitoshi... Please follow us to my office... There's something we need to talk about... And since Uso Tsuki is with you let's take him as well..." He says before we growled.

"We already know about Shigaraki... Dabi informed us..." I say tired of this shit.

"Well yes that's part of it... Izuku is in danger and we need to explain why... Please follow us." He says as we all sigh but follow.

We make it to the principal's office where Ectoplasm, Cementos and other heroes we're. I knew that this was serious, but to this point was suspicious, something else had happened...

"What's going on here!?" I screamed.

"It's better if we just show you... Can you wake him up please?" Nezu said looking guilty.

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