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Bakugo's POV

I look on my phone, 2h35 am... Shit...

"Why am I awake right now I'm a good sleeper normally why no-" wispering to myself.

"Gnn... Kacchan, it's... It's  so... Cold in here... Cuddle... Me p-please...."

Ah... That's why, my alpha instincts kicked in. I turn arround and grab Deku, he's trembling, panting... But his body, that I was expecting to be cold like he mentioned, was boiling hot.

"Hey you nerd, where's your surpressant!?"

"D-dont be mad please... I... I took the last one last night... I ran out and the store said they'd be here in by next week... I'm... I'm s-sorry..."

I see him slowy cry... I cant stand it... I reach out to him and pull him closer, he then grabs my shirt and starts chewing on it... I might be mistaken but I'm pretty sure he's purring right now...

"Deku you idiot what are you doing?"

He doesn't answer and continues to chew on my shirt, I try shaking him a little but he doesn't answer... I decided there was only one way to attract his attention. I release some sexual pheromones, his face looked shocked and worried, then followed by lust, I suddenly regretted doing that.

He stops chewing and goes up to me literally climbing on top of me with his right leg in between mines... As he reaches my glands and sniff them, he leans against me, rubing his knee against my dick, that's when I really regretted sending thoses, he starts to lick my glands... BAD IDEA!

"Kacchan~ Please... I... I want your puppies~"

I try pushing him off, to my surprise he growls and bites me. That's where I lost it, I turn him around and pin him on the bed, I didn't plan on doing anything to him... I was keeping him off of me... But from someone else's perspective, it looked different. I suddenly feel pulled off and smacked on the ground, when I look up to see who the fuck did that I see that Icyhot basterd...

"What in the world do your think your doing Bakugo!?"

I stand up and look at that Icyhot straight in the eyes...

"None of your damn fucking business hotcold basterd!"

"If your going to rape Midoriya then I would have to disagree with you"

"Rape Deku!? What in the actual fuck are you talking about!? That thirsty nerd was crying for me to fuck him so i pinned him to stop him from playing with me and turning me on! Not rape him!"

"I see, good to know that you can resist him too..."

"Of course I can resist fucking Deku! I've been dealing with his heat since middle school!"

"Ah... I see... Maybe that's why you didn't mark him on your rut that day?"


I look down and see Deku reaching out to us, I can tell he doesn't want sex anymore but needs the attention... I push that damn idiot out of my way and grab Deku's hand.

"Hey I'm sorry for yelling... Come here..."

I pick him up and move him onto me as I lay down in the bed, I try to send calming pheromones to him as I sense he's a little bit scared by the tension me and that half and half had... I gently pet his hair and hug him tightly as I smell him... Soon enought I fall asleep again.

-At 6 am that same morning-

3rd POV

All 3 boys are sleeping, little do they know an unknown visitor is about to enter the room, he opens the door and yelps at the omega's smell. At that moment the intruder looks up and see's two very angry alpha's...

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