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Bakugo's POV

After a couple of hour of sleep, we decided it was best to head back to the dorms. It was around 2 am at night when we arrived, I made it to the dorm and placed Deku on the bed. I went to say something to Shinsou but held my tongue, I trust him now, so I have nothing to worry about. I walk out to let them sleep as I make it to my bedroom where I see Icyhot... Crying?

"Hey... Icy- Shoto? You okay?" I say as he looks at me.

"O-oh... Y-yeah... Just my mark acting up..." He says as he scratches the mark on his neck.

"Sorry for teasing you earlier, I can't even imagine how much your body wants to mate him... I'm such an ass sometimes..."

"Yah thin-.... Nah... Your alright, I agreed on the ass part... But I can't blame you... I'm sure mating with Deku feels insanely good..." He says as he bit his bottom lip.

He has no idea, I snicker before patting is back.

"Well time to sleep, we have about what? 1 month and a half before the test? Let's get sleep so we aren't exhausted tomorrow." I say as I climb on the bed.

He joins me and lays on the opposite side, I can almost feel his back and it's annoying me. But I simply close my eyes and drift to sleep, it's almost over anyways.

1 month later

Midoriya's POV

I'm so happy that we're almost done the training for the test, witch is in 14 days. I'm currently sparing with Shinsou, no quirks obviously since I'd have a huge advantage on him.

"Are you getting tired Izuku?" He says slightly worried.

He is right, I feel slower and much more tired than usual, I nod and walk to the bench to grab some water, my head starts to spin. I look around to try and catch myself when Shinsou grabs me.

"Hey whoa you good!? You almost fell down, here sit on the bench." He says as he guides me to it.

I place a hand on my forehead as the world swirls around me, I feel awfully dizzy, it's starting to make me sick. I lay down on the bench to see if it'll help calm it down. It does indeed and so after 15 minutes of laying down, I get back up and continue our sparing. I won as Shinsou had focused on me too much, for some reason, he refused to hit me had only blocked my attacks until I won...

2 weeks later

It was the day of the test, god I felt sick, it was only 8 am and I felt like puking my life out, since I hadn't eaten yet, nothing came out when I gaged. I walk to the stadium, they say it's gonna be a rescue test, if you win you pass, thankfully, we fight robots so that's nice. I look around, the whole school is sitting on the  elevated benchs to watch us, I feel kinda nervous and dizzy, well I'm very dizzy lately anyways but that's beside the point. I look around to see my alpha talking with Shinsou and Todoroki, I walk up to them but catch myself before I slam the ground, god that was close, I can see them running to me.

"MIDORIYA ARE YOU OKAY!?" Todoroki yells as they approach me.

"Deku what happened!?"

"I eh... Felt dizzy again..."

"Your getting worst, I mean it happened alot while we spared, you shouldn't do this... What if you fall while fighting... You could get hurt or killed." Shinsou says with worry.

Kacchan helps me back up and I smile at them reasuring that I'm okay. I know it's dangerous, but if I step out now, I won't pass for next year. There's no way I'm doing that! They all sigh as we walk back to the center, they tell our order of fights.

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