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Todoroki's POV

Im laying on the roof, trying ro clear my thoughts, Dabi left without telling me where he went... It's frustrating. I wonder how Midoriya and Bakugo are doing... It's not like they'd care that I left. That hatred in their eyes, they'll never forgive me, I fucked up big time...

We all fuck up Icyhot, the point is to get up and fix the shit we've done idiot.

I can't... Not this time, I remember how Midoriya hated Shigaraki... He probably wants me to die in agony as well. He looked so irresistible that night... WHY COULDN'T I FUCKING HOLD MYSELF. It's all my fucking fault.

"I tought you said Midoriya was the one that mumbled." He said in an angry tone.

"Yeah.. And don't mention him around me please... I can't bare-"

"What you fucking did?" He says now shouting at me.

I look at him confused. How could he know!? I never told him about what happened that night.

"W-what are you talking about!?"

"I visited him, he's broken because of you. He's fucking pissed for sure, told me he never wanted to see you again... To go to hell..." he said almost spitting it out at my face.

"I know he hates me... I hate myself."

I look behind me, the edge is super close.

"But he lied"

I look at him confused.

"He misses you, when he said he hated you, tear came out with pheromones, sad pheromones, your not sad when you hate someone. When he said go to hell... He shaked his head no... He somehow fucking miss your ass. And its tearing him apart you fuck!" He said angrily.

"I can't, it would be too risky... I still love Midoriya... And as long as I have a chance... I can't take the ris-"

"Bakugo already marked him."

My eyes widdens... I was hoping deep down that he wouldn't, that I would always have my chance... Even after what I did, but now, I kinda felt relieved.

"I'm glad... He wont be in danger of being taken by force again..."

Dabi looks down, he know what I'm referring to...

"Anyways... This is for what you did." He says before grabing my neck and smashing me against the ground.

"FUCK! That hurted like bitch!" I yelled after spitting blood out.

"Now go to him and apologize. He deserves to be happy you dick." Dabi said before leaving into the building.

I sat there for what seemed to be an eternity... Should I even... I can't just walk in there and talk to him can I?

3 weeks later...

Im outside Midoriya's favorite clothes store... He loves it here even though everything is so pricey... I go to enter when I spot them. Midoriya's wearing Bakugo's hero costume... Shit I can't meet him now! I'm not ready... I run and hide behind the building, they come out and start walking, so I follow at a distance, Midoriya seems cold but Bakugo doesn't notice. I sent a cold breeze at Bakugo, hoping he'll look at Midoriya, bingo he did and passed him his coat. Shit, Midoriya sneezed, I think he catched a cold anyways. We seperate as they head to the dorms... How I miss training with them almost every day.

I lay behind a tree, I can't be seen from the street where I'm laying because of bushes hiding the tree base. I slowly drift to sleep.

The next day.

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