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Midoriya's POV
The day after they mated...

That morning at school, we learned that Todoroki had resigned from UA, as a matter of fact, he had completely disappeared... But we didn't know that part yet. I'm in class with allmight today as we are gonna continue our hero training. He brings us to the training ground. The last time I was here, was to commit suicide... I start to shake a little when I feel strong arms around my waist.

"You know you don't have to be scared, your strong enough to beat all of thoses, if you hadn't lost control you could have passed the pro level so don't worry okay?"

I nod glad that Kacchan is there. He scents me softly before we get seperate for training. Some of us we're fighting the robots while the others we're training on rock above us. I smash a villain when I hear 'AP SHOT' I smile to myself when I hear someone scream 'WATCH OUT!', I look behind me and see a rock about to crush Denki, without thinking I pushed him out of the way when the rock crushes my leg.

"AHHHHH!" I yell as my bones crack under the pressure and I slam on the ground.

"MIDORIYA! OMG IF I HAD BEEN CAREFUL!" Denki tries to move the rock with no success.

"Fuck! I got this... It'll hurt a little babe... 1. 2. 3. Push Denki!" Kacchan yells as both of them moves the rock off my leg.

My leg is bleeding alot and clearly crushed. Aizawa quickly pick me up and runs to the nurse.

"I swear to allmight that he's doing it to see me at this point..." the nurse sarcastically said.

"It wasn't his fault this time, he saved a classmate but got crushed in their place." Aizawa said.

"You poor thing, it's pain after pain. You never get a break do you? Even allmight never came as often..." she says in a sad tone.

She completely healed my leg, but Aizawa told me to sit down for the rest of the day. As we arrived back in the training room, everyone came to me making sure I was okay. I saw Kacchan arrive from behind, he stood right infront of me and grabbed my collar and pulled me close to his face. Everyone panicked and we're about to scold him for bullying me when he pulled me in for a kiss. Everyone's jaws dropped. The way we acted in class was apparently not obvious enough for them. He pets my head and wispers in my ear.

"Don't fucking scare me like that again, I don't like hearing you scream in pain..." he wispered as he licked my ear lobe.

"K-Kacchan!" I squeeled moving his face away.

He giggled and went back to training. I looked from a far, I couldn't help but noticed how Kacchan kept glancing at me here and there. Even when he was fighting the robots, he would shift his eyes slightly at me. Like he always had to check if I was okay, I suddenly hear my name.

"Psst! Midoriya!"

I turn around to see something quickly hide in the shadow. As soon as Kacchan looks away, I'll go check it out. And so once he focused on the robots, I left. I walked in the dark corridor when someone pulled me I went to scream when I realized who it was.

"Long time no see Midoriya..." Dabi said.

"How are you even in here!?"

"I have my ways... Any how... He didn't want me to do this as he specifically told me to stay away from you, but I have a soft spot for you so I came anyways. Shoto is going to join me and the new group of villains that I formed, we hunt doing criminals so we're pretty much vigilantes... but that's not what the law called us. Anyways, he says he's doing this to repent what he did to you... Although he didn't tell me, I'm sure it wasn't that ba-"

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