Chapter 66 - Is that who I think it is?

Start from the beginning

Aiden continued, bringing Nero's attention back. "That man is Brad, one of the kids of the head of the family. The goal is for me to seduce him and get information out that way."

Now Nero gets why he'd been opted out of this. "Oh, the game of seduction is why you said I can't do this."

"Yeah, we don't need you to go into another panic attack of some sort and die on the spot. Definitely not the vibe." The tone of Aiden's voice was joking but the look was worried and careful.

"Hahaha, in that case, thanks. I really do appreciate you taking into my account my PTSD and trauma. Back to the topic at hand though, why do you need to seduce him? Surely bugging them is a lot easier."

"That's a big fat false statement. Bugging them is impossible. Through an accidental mess up, it got leaked that they'd be here tonight discussing and finalising the plans on Substance S. So, they got their best security around today to avoid shit like wiretapping or overhearing conversations. Therefore, the only method of getting close to that table is either being family or being Brad's slut of the night. That's my role for tonight."

Nero looked back at the table of influential people before looking back at Aiden with an extremely worried look. He grabbed at his best friend's hands. "I am very against this idea Aiden. It's too dangerous. Being his slut for the night? You're going to catch an STI or something! More importantly, why is the family fine with strangers like them listening in."

"Because Brad gets them so drunk that they forget the entire night (or drugs them into temporary amnesia) but that's ok, I won't reach that point. I'll only be there for a short while and smoothly get out."

"They're not going to let you out smoothly like that. I'm pretty sure they're careful like that. It's too risky, we shouldn't do this. We can surely just work out where it's going to be from what we have."

"We can't! That's the thing. I've already tried and we're running out of time. I just need a little more clues from them and then I'm out. I've thought it through and I have a high alcohol tolerance so it'll take them a while to get me hammered."

"But what if they drug you to slee–"

"They won't. They only do that when they're about to leave and I'm going to be gone before then so it'll be fine. All I need to do is play the game of flirting and seduction and you already KNOW that I'm on diamond tier with that shit. It will be fine."

Nero was still very reluctant and tightened the grip on his friend's wrist. "Why on earth are you so confident? You don't even have a mask on and they might discover you have a listening device on you."

Aiden removed Nero's hands from his wrist and put them on his shoulder. Aiden settled for a carefree smile and appreciative eyes. "I'm grateful for your concern but as I said, I've thought this through a million times and people are more predictable than you think so it'll most likely work out. I'd wear a mask but once again, I found this out pretty last minute and I didn't get enough time to order a face mask. And I hope you know, I am a god-level hacker and IT tech guru, henceforth my listening device is great and undetectable. Their shitty metal detectors got nothing on me."

"Oh yes, another last-minute plan because that works out so well for us. I wonder who's going to find out about our secrets this time."

"Oh shut up and stop being a worrywart. It will be fine. We're running out of time and I've got a man to seduce."

"But I­–" Aiden's determined expression gave way that he wasn't going to back out, so finally Nero gave up and played along. "Fucking fine but as soon as something is wrong or feels wrong or if I think it is wrong, I'm coming to save your ass in front of them, whether you like it or not."

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