chapter 18 ( leaving for the Horcruxes)

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The day after your brother Harry had let you know him along with Hermione and Ron were going to destroy Horcruxes, you wouldn't let him go without you after a lot of bugging Harry he finally let you come when you had told George the news he said " you are not going! It's too dangerous for a witch at your skill." he stated you you took high offense " Not a skilled enough witch!, and to think I still loved you with all my damn heart" you walked away with tears in your eyes and you when to pack you enchanted bag along with Hermione. 

You and everyone were saying bye to everybody else. you looked up and caught George's eye and you walked up to him kissed him in front of his girlfriend " b...bye Georgie, ill be back before you know it and keep our little girl safe for me, see you in a few months I love you" you smiled. You, Harry, Ron, and Hermione ran out of the castle and as the four of you looked back George ran up and gave you one last hug dropping 4 things of Felix Felicis in your bag as he winked at Harry. 

You all run side by side and soon enough you guys were never seen...

A FEW WEEKS LATER*************************************************

you, harry, Hermione, and Ron were in the forest and Ron had on the Slytherin locket, you and Hermione tried taking it off of him but he pushed Hermione and slapped you. tears streamed down your face as Hermione hugged you. Harry started yelling at him, Ron yelled back at him as he said something that hurt both you and Harry physical and mentally. "YOU HAVE NO FAMILY HARRY, YOU AND Y/N HAVE NOTHING" he shouted making both you and harry draw your wands at Ron as he took off the locket and left Hermione running after him.  Soon after you and harry got the same headache and Hermione treated you since you were still new to them, you wanted to scream but you didn't as you thought of George's voice in your ears, you started to calm down and fall asleep with Hermione holding you close. 

As more weeks pass you, harry, and Hermione were camping harry went out and he comes back with Ron all of a sudden. "Hey..." he said making Hermione mad and she threw stuff at Ron and threw leaves at him as you all get stormed by Death Eaters. The same night you and everyone were brought to Malfoy Manner, your eyes filled with tears as you saw Draco and his dad. 

moments later you and Hermione were being tortured because Bellatrix saw the sword of Gryffindor and she wanted answers. So as the made bitch she was, she told a death eater torture you and Bellatrix did Hermione your guys screams filled the whole manner.

harry and Ron were boiling with anger they wanted to get their hands on them and kill them, but they couldn't as they were locked in the cellar. harry, Ron, and everyone in there on the ground floor. they saw you and Hermione hurt, as they fought Draco and his mother Narssia Malfoy.  Bellatrix grabbed you and held a knife to your throat. tears went down your face as you wanted to be in Harry's arms again. Dobby all of a sudden appears and tried dropping the chandler on her, she threw you and harry caught you as dobby stood behind you all evaporated, but dobby was killed and you noticed you were at Bill and fleurs house you ran inside to fleur and hugged her, she saw your arm and helped as much as she could with you hurting you as you told her everything that happened. 

you guys had broken into Gringotts and took what you needed and fell into the river as a vision hit you and not harry. " you let him in again, Y/N you can't do that" Hermione screamed at you " like I have a choice, Hermione" you shouted back at her " we need to go back to Hogwarts, I know what we need but I don't know where it is"  you stated as everyone nodded. 

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