chapter two ( Christmas at the Weasleys pt2)

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"Merry Christmas Ms. Weasley'' she nodded and smiles and sent you to wake up everyone else you got everyone but George. you walked in and messed with his hair. ¨hey Georgie wake up, everyone is up¨ he groaned and saw your beautiful piercing Green emerald eyes. he pulled you on the bed fighting hard not to kiss you. you guys got lost in each other eyes and locked lips.

his hands slowly sliding down your waist. you pushed him back and smiled. "Merry Christmas you shitless flirt get ready" you smiled and got up leaving the room George smashed his face into a pillow "BEST CHRISTMAS EVER" he yelled. You went downstairs and saw Ron and rolled your eyes you when to the girls you guys were talking about what you got for everyone Ginny gasped once you told her what you got for George. She pulled you away and asked you when you were going to ask out George "..I don't know Ginn I'd love to date him but I don't know" he chuckled " mooooring," he said with a cup of coffee in hand. Your eyes widen and turn around " h..hey G..George" he smirks " hey princess~" you turn red and he puts the cup down and Ginny pushed you into him he wrapped his arms around your waist to catch you. The two of you catch each other eyes and he kisses you and you kisses him back ginny leaves and Ron walks in he goes by you and says "slut" you pull away and leave the room and go to Ginny and tell her what happened. George came by and sat next to you and wrapped an arm around you to let you know your safe if Ron tried anything you smiled and leaned in his arm and he kissed your head you guys started doing gifts and you got up and gave George his 2 things (the watch and the card).
He opened the card and it said
" the person who gave you this has a crush on you, and either is scared to tell you or isn't ready for a relationship but would love one with you in the future " then you wrote: " I love you Georgie I always have for 5-6 years" he smiled and looks at the small box he opens it and his mouth drops and he shows his family " princess how did you, thank you" he lifts your head and kisses you in front of Ron and makes him jealous " I'll wait for you, doesn't mean I won't stop hitting on you princess" you smile as he hands you your gift it's like a ring box ( which it was) he takes his arm and acts like he's proposing to you " I promise to care, treat you like an empress and everything in between so I ask you when your ready to be in a relationship will you be my girlfriend" he opens the little box and reveals a silver ring with a single diamond in the center. tears almost fill your eyes and you cover your mouths as he puts the ring on your finger he pulled you away from the group ¨ how much you wanna be there going to make out¨ ginny said to Fred.

George brought you to his room and shut the door behind you pulling you close he puts you up too he wall and kisses your lips and you kiss back he slowly moves his hands up and down your sides and he wanted to remove your shirt but he didn't you guys just madeout in geroges room until molly called you guys down for dinner.

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