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After the huge fight they had it left Lauren feeling broken and exhausted. She wanted this all to end. She wants to leave but with the threat still held over her head she wasn't sure she could do that without some horrible consequences coming her way. She had to be real careful with this.

"Lauren can we please talk?" Camila asked. "It's been three days and you haven't said a word to me. I miss you baby."

Lauren rolled her eyes. "Camila, please. I'm not in the mood right now." She muttered. Camila huffs "well when Lauren! When are you going to be in the mood because right now I'm starting to feel like you don't want to fix this!" She screams.

Lauren flinched a little but kept her face blank. "Maybe I don't want to fix this. I spent our first relationship trying to fix you and I'm tired," she sighed. "I'm tired of trying to fix you and make you happy when it doesn't even fucking matter because no matter what I do you'll still be abusive towards me! You'll still use me as your punching bag whenever you're angry and I can't do anything to stop that." She says. "No matter how much I tried to love you, you still hurt me. You still put your hands on me and lock me in rooms. No matter how much I loved you that would never change. You would always find a way to always hurt me and I'm tired of going through that everyday. I'm tired."

Camila was fuming as she looks at Lauren. "You know if you loved me you would have never got me arrested! If you loved me you wouldn't have run off with my ex when I warned you about her! If you loved me you'd actually make love to me instead of sleeping in a separate room! You don't love me Lauren!" She screams as she punched her.

Things went in slow motion as Lauren fell back and hit her head on the corner of the table and quickly started bleeding. Camila's eyes grew wide and she quickly tried to tend to Lauren's injury. "Lauren babe I'm sorry. I'm so sorry!"

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