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Ally: guys Lauren is in the hospital.

Mani: what do you mean?

DinahJane: why is she in the hospital?

Ally: I don't know. I went to her apartment to see if everything was ok and when I walked inside she was beaten up and passed out on the floor. Her apartment was trashed, with broken plates, the tv with shattered and all the picture frames were broken. I don't know what happened but I think it has something to do with Camila.

Mani: are you with her right now?

DinahJane: where's Camila in all of this?

Ally: yeah I decided to stay to make sure that she's ok. As for that girl I have no idea. I wanted to call her but I don't think it's a good idea.

Mani: so what are you going to do? I mean we know you Ally you're not going to leave her alone.

Ally: I already have the guest room ready. I just need Lauren to agree because as badly as I want her to live with me I can force her to do anything. She has to agree on her own and I really hope she does.

DinahJane: and if she doesn't?

Ally: honestly? I don't know. Like I said I can't force her but I will strongly advise her to think before going back to that girl. I don't know her but Camila seems pretty bad.

Mani: let's hope she makes the right decision.

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