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As much as it hurt to have things end the way they did Lauren knew that she had to move on. Even though she'll always love them Dinah and Normani didn't love her anymore so she had to move pass their relationship and focus on herself.

However when Camila came back into her life and showed how much she actually changed Lauren couldn't help but feel extremely conflicted. Their relationship was toxic and abusive but being around Camila again and having the girl actually listen to her made Lauren's old feelings for the girl resurface. She knows she probably shouldn't go back but she's lonely and things with Camila have been fine. So it couldn't be so bad to give her another chance.

"Lauren I really don't think you should do this." Ashley says. "I really don't think you should consider getting back with Camila."

Lauren sighs, "Camz has been so kind recently and she's actually listening to me. I just don't think it's wrong to reconsider being with her again." She says. Ashley frowns "Lauren she treated you horribly! Remember when you told me how she would starve you for days, weeks at a time? You can't go back to that." She says. "Yes she says that she's changed but that's what they all say. They never really change."

Lauren knew that her friend was right but being around Camila for the last few weeks have reminded her of when they first started dating and how kind she was. She just didn't know what to do right now.

Sitting on the couch Dinah was looking through pictures on her phone and when she came across one of Lauren she didn't even bother looking at it she just deleted it and moved on. She couldn't keep thinking about the girl if she wants to move on with Normani. They're happy now and she's not going to ruin it thinking about Lauren.

"Don't you think this has gone too far?" Normani asked.

Dinah shook her head as she sighs softly. "Of course not. Lauren left without a word so this is what happens. She didn't care about our feelings so why should I care about hers." She mumbles. "DJ you still love her babe, and I know you're mad and hurt but pushing her away isn't the way to solve the issues that we have going on." Normani says. "You have to talk to her babe."

Dinah scuffs, "I'd rather not. I told her how I felt and what I wanted and she complied. I think we both came to an understanding about this whole thing." She says. "Yes but you never let her tell you how she feels. You just pushed her away." Normani says.

Dinah glared at her. "Why are you even on her side right now? I don't know if you forgot but you broke up with her before me." She snaps. A wave of guilt hit Normani as her face fell. "I only broke up with her because of Camila." She said. Dinah huffed, "yeah, I know. You thought Camila was too much of-"

"No not that." Normani paused for a second. "Camila threatened to hurt Lauren if I didn't break up with her. She made a promise and if I know anything about Camila she never break a threatening promise. So I broke up with her to protect her." She says.

Dinah looks at her with wide eyes. "Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you say something? Maybe I could have told Lauren or we could have figured something out together. We could have protected Lauren together." She says. Normani frowned as she lowers her head. "I know that now but at the time I was scared! I didn't want any of us to get hurt so I kept my mouth shut. I realize now that was a bad idea." She says. "I'm sorry."


DinahJane: Lauren are you free tomorrow? I was hoping that we could talk.

Lauren: I have work at noon but I get off at eight. We can talk then.

DinahJane: great. See you then.

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