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It was half past midnight and Normani was walking to her car when a girl with brown hair came up to her. She had an evil glare in her eyes.

"I'm not going to tell you again. Stay away from Lauren!" She screamed.

Normani scuffed but ignored her as she walks to her car. The girl grabbed her arm and yanked her back. "Did you fucking hear me?!" She screams. Normani sighs, "yeah I heard you. That doesn't mean I'm going to listen to you." She says. The girl smirked. "Oh you think Lauren actually loves you," she laughs. "That's cute. Lauren will never love you or your girlfriend the way she loves Camila." She says. "They belong together and she'll realize that soon."

The drive back to her home was quite. Normani couldn't stop thinking about what that girl said. She knows Lauren will always have some type of love for Camila but she didn't think that Lauren was still in love with her. She couldn't be, right?

Shaking her head she gets out the car and heads towards her apartment. She unlocked the door but stopped when she heard a flash go off. She turned but no one was there. Feeling a knot forming in her stomach she ran inside and immediately locked everything that could be locked. She couldn't take any chances.

Turning to face the couch she screamed when she saw Camila sitting there staring at her with a nasty glare. "The fuck are you doing in my apartment!" She screamed.

Camila stands up from the couch and walks towards her. "I've come to make a deal," she starts. "Break up with Lauren and give her back to me or I'll kill you where you stand." She threatens.

Normani rolled her eyes. "Kill me then because I'm not letting Lauren go back to you." She said. Camila tilts her head as she steps right into Normani's personal space. "You're willing to die for a bitch that doesn't even love you. You're willing to lose your life over a girl who won't ever be loyal to you." She whispers.

"Like you know anything about loyalty." Normani spits. "If you don't remember you cheat on me through our whole relationship."

Camila chuckled, "oh baby you really think you have anything against me." She unlocks the door and pushed Normani out. "Think again." Before Normani could react she was grabbed by two people. Her mouth was covered and her arms and legs were tied up. Camila laughs "oh you really should have given Lauren up when you had the chance." She says. "You really should have."

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