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Lauren had no idea why Lucy was standing in front of her but she really didn't want her here. Not after everything that's happened between them.

"Lucy I really think you should leave. I have nothing to say to you." She says.

Lucy nods, "then don't say anything. Just listen," she starts. "I'm sorry Lauren. I'm sorry for everything and I'd really like to be friends again. I mean you're my best friend and I really don't want to lose you." She says.

Lauren frowned because as badly as she wants to forgive Lucy and be friends again, she can't. She doesn't trust her anymore. "I'm sorry Lucy but no. I just can't be friends with someone who I don't trust anymore." She said.

"Lauren you just have to give me one more chance. I promise I won't let you down." Lucy says.

Lauren knew what she was doing and she had to he strong. She couldn't break. "I'm sorry but no. Our friendship is over Lucy. Goodbye." She said as she closed the door.

Feeling frustrated Lucy knew that she had to come up with a better plan to get Lauren to be friends with her. She knew that she had to do something to get Lauren to forgive her and she might have an idea of how to do just that.


Camila: hey Ariana.

Ariana: no Camila. Whatever it is no.

Camila: oh don't be like that. We used to be best friends please don't push me away. I have no one right now.

Ariana: I'm sorry you're alone but this is your fault. You hurt and pushed away those who cared about you. Maybe don't be so horrible and people might actually stick around.

Camila: look I know I did some bad things but I've changed. I'm better now and I'd love to be friends again.

Ariana: I'm sorry but I don't. What you did is something I can never forgive. I'm sorry but this friendship is over. Goodbye.

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