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Waking up Lauren felt a pain in her side and as badly as she wanted to forget what happened she couldn't. Her brother shot her and that's not something she's ever going to forget.

"You're awake."

Looking towards the door she was surprised to see Lucy standing there. "Lucy what are you doing here?" She asked. Lucy shrugged "I just got done talking to Chris and I found out that he's been sleeping with your ex." She said.

Lauren rolled her eyes because it was just like him to go after an ex of hers. He did it in high school and he's doing it now that wasn't surprising to her. "Did he tell you this or did you figure it out?" She asked.

"I figured it out. When I asked he said he was doing it to make you jealous." Lucy tells her.

Lauren chuckles "well he can have her. I have Dinah and Normani. I'm happy and I would just like to move on." She says. "She just needs to let me move on."


Chat between Normally.

Ally: hey Mani how are you?

Mani: I'm doing fine but I have a question.

Ally: ok what is it?

Mani: what was the name of Lauren's old friend? I think I saw her and Lauren's brother talking today and I think she likes Lauren.

Ally: Lucy? As far as I know Lauren never said anything about Lucy liking her. I just know that they used to be good friends.

Mani: are we sure they were just friends? I just got the vibe that Lucy wants to be more with Lauren.

Ally: Mani you honestly have nothing to worry about. Lauren is way too in love with you and Dinah to move on to Lucy.

Mani: I guess you're right. I'm just scared that she'll break things off because I can't remember her. I just don't want to ruin this relationship we all have together.

Ally: you won't. Lauren loves you and yes it might be hard but she's not going to leave you Mani. That girl loves you.

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