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Edith grunted as punches were thrown. A simple kick with the heel of her shoe pushed the enemy back slightly, only to give her time to regain herself and start the fight again.

Kicking with her left right leg, she hit the man's shoulder only for him to dodge it and tightly wrap his large hand around her ankle, causing her to grunt as he threw down to the ground, making her body and the side of her face to collide with the floor as she shut her eyes only to open them back up quickly and push herself up.

Edith glared at the man before punching him in his stomach then kicking him with the heel of her shoe on his hip, causing him to trip on his shoelace and hit the wall with a groan, but he quickly regained his strength and pushed himself off of the wall only to earn another kick in the shoulder from the girl, making him spin around to face the other end of the hallway.

The girl had managed jump onto the man's back with a yell as she caused him to bend forward with her weight on his back.

She wrapped her arm tightly around his neck as he started to struggle to breath. In attempt to throw the girl off, the man hit his back against the wall, Edith with him as she let out a grunt of pain ringing through her back.

The man did the same once again, causing the girl to yell out in pain as she could barely feel her back.

"TAKE ENOLA AND RUN!" Edith managed to yell out to Tewkesbury who was trying to shake Enola awake.

"WHAT?! NO!" Tewkesbury yelled back as Edith grip around his neck tightened.

"YOU STUBBORN PRICK!" Edith yelled as the man threw her down to the ground, causing her to cough and grunt in pain.

He kicked her in the stomach as she groaned. Next, hitting her on her nose with the shoe on his foot as she grunted in pain, definitely having her nose broken as she felt a small amount of blood leak out of her nose, quickly changing into a larger amount as she tried to keep her eyes open with her palm pressed onto her nose to suppress the bleeding.

Edith felt like this was her end, as if one more kick and she would pass out forever, but just then Tewkesbury attacked the man from the back, pushing him down to the ground with himself as Edith rolled to her other side of the floor in pain.

Tewkesbury had successfully saved Edith from near death, but he didn't save himself as he felt the pain travel through his face where the man had punched him. He fell to the floor, blood dripping out of his nose as he grunted in pain.

The man looked over to where Edith lay on the floor, falling in and out of consciousness, looking pale and as if millimetres away from death.

"I'll deal with you later." He said with a scoff, taking a thick string out of his pocket, a permanent sickening smirk glued onto his face.

He slowly wrapped the string around his hands, walking towards Tewkesbury with no guilt what so ever shown on his face.

Pulling up Tewkesbury by the shoulder blade of his blazer, he wrapped the string around his neck — which lead to the boy yelling out chokes of pain and grunts as he used his other hand to try and push the man away.

ATELIER ━︎━︎  Lord Tewkesbury Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя