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Just as Edith thought she was getting paranoid she heard the footsteps again, the light sound of leafs crunching underneath the weight of the person's body becoming louder by the second as Edith stopped walking, her heart beat raising slightly.

"Boo —"

Before the person — that currently stood inches behind her — could finish their sentence, Edith had wrapped her arm around their neck and pushed them over her shoulder, resulting in them falling onto the ground in front of her.

It was only when Edith took a step closer and looked at his face did she realise who it was.

Her eyes widened as she fell onto her knees beside the boy in a fast motion.

Tewksbury grunted in pain as he clutched his stomach with one arm, trying to ease the pain that was sprinting it's way through his back as the other lay on the ground, his fingers stretching out.

"What was that for?!" He asked, air emitting heavily from his lungs as his eyes squished shut, creating wrinkles at his eyelids.

"Self defence?" Edith replied as more of an question as her hand cupped his cheek, her head tilting to the side as she softly scrunched her face up.

Tewksbury lifted his head up slightly, giving the girl a look of disbelief before crashing his head back onto the ground and shutting his eyes back close.

. . .

Minutes later, the golden sun went down fully — revealing the beauty of the night as stars splattered the inky sky as the moon shone brighter than on any other day.

The two had been walking around a field they had found near a small pond filled with lily-pads. The grass that lay on it was covered with small flowers of every colour and looked just like one of Claude Monet's nature paintings.

Edith lay on the grass, the boy beside her as she stared up at the darkness of the night, her vision focusing on all the small white dots displayed miles above her. It got her wandering if there were mystical creatures living on the other planets, completely oblivious to the facts humans existed.

"Edith?" Tewksbury said, his voice hushed down to a soft whisper. He watched the girl stare up into the midnight sky as she lay beside him on the cold grass filled with flowers.

She hummed in response, her head slowly moving to the side so she could face him but her eyes had closed.

"I — um" he started to say, looking back up into the sky, avoiding eye contact.

Edith opened her eyes, a small grin appearing on her face as she looked at the boy.


"I wanted to give you something. . ." Tewksbury said, his words trailing off as he connected his eyes back with Edith's.

He started to rummage the pocket of his black blazer as he sat up. Edith sat up too, her arm brushing against his as she watched him pull something out of his pocket.

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