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(n.) an artist or designer's workshop
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Her name was Edith Ainsley, but we do not speak that name anymore. Saying her name was believed to be like summoning the devil himself.

She murdered her younger brother — or so they say — and vanished the very next day, nowhere to be found. Her parents didn't bother looking for her, they had too believed she had killed the young Ainsley, denying her presence to ever step foot into their house.

Truth be told, Edith didn't know if she'd ever see anyone she'd known from her past life ever again. Specifically speaking of Enola Holmes, her childhood friend and martial arts practice partner. The girls hadn't spoken for three years and here Edith was, reading a telegraph sent by the one and only Enola Holmes.

"Meet me at the trains station you know what happened in an hour"

Edith wasn't sure what had Enola needing her immediate help but she knew it must've been important for her to reach out, knowing exactly that the girl was in hiding.

She knew exactly what train station Enola meant, how could she forget the that tragic night. The brunette changed her hiding location every time she thought someone had a hunch on where she was, and it just so happened she was close by to the station this time.

With her face still on wanted posters after 3 years, she had to be extremely careful of every move she made in public.

No eye contact, no speaking to strangers, head down — were her three rules whilst in public, they always worked.

So, with a plan set in mind, Edith stood up from her wooden chair, straitened her large clothes —that were stereo typed for boys — and placed her hat on her head.

She climbed down the ladder of her tree house — that had paint splattered all over the wooden boards and multiple sketches pinned to the tree trunk.

She took a last glance at one of the tree house's she had made her home "this better be good, Enola Holmes" she said quietly with a sigh and started walking towards the train station.

Ok, hi, I know this chapter was really short but it's just the prologue. I promise the rest of the chapters will be longer!

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed this prologue thingy :)

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