"Heh! Whatever! My team is winning no matter what!" Naruto said as he fist-bumped his chest.


"You're late," Reisha and Runa looked at Jun as he sheepishly ran up to them as he panted in response. "Sorry! Sorry! Sorry! I overslept because I was so excited for today!" Jun said with a toothy-grin.

"You won't be excited if you're dead." Reisha said simply as they all stood in front of the academy grounds. The wind blew the hair on top of their heads.

"Quite nostalgic, isn't it? Just a month or two ago, we left the academy and became real ninjas under Naruto-sensei." Runa said as they gazed from the top to bottom of the building in front of them.

"It felt like just yesterday when we just entered the academy as kids." Jun rubbed his eyes as he still felt sleepy. "We're still kids, idiot. It doesn't matter if we are genin at all." Reisha scoffed and scowled at Jun.

"Shut it, idiot." Jun glared right at her. Runa just sighed in-between them "Let's just get inside. We don't want to waste more time. We only have around half-an-hour until the first exams starts. We would have gotten more time if someone didn't waste it." Runa said as it was directed to Jun.

He just scoffed.

"Then let's not waste more time by talking about how I wasted time." Jun said as they all started walking inside the academy. "Stop trying to be smart, Jun." Reisha glared at him.

"How am I trying to be smart? Idiot." Jun narrowed his eyes right at her. Reisha just huffed in annoyance.  "You wouldn't even be able to comprehend it or even begin to understand such a thing." Reisha remarked as she had a smug look on her face.

"Room 301, right?" Jun asked. "Yes, the room is 301." They suddenly heard a person crash onto the wooden floor of the academy. "Gahhh!" Someone yelled from the minor pain.

They made their way through the crowd.The 3 saw very familiar faces in front of them.

"Isei? Koestu? Yura?" Two boys and one girl turned and looked around. Their eyes widened as the 3 saw them. The 3 came walking towards them. "Well, well, well. It seems you 3 had guts to face us." They looked at them.

"Tch. We're not cowards! You're the only cowards here!" Jun glared right at them. A scowl formed on 2 of the boys' face. "We're not damn cowards! These two just wouldn't let us get through the damn door!" Isei remarked as they looked at a transformed Kotetsu and Izumo.

"Hey, we're just weeding out the people who aren't fit to be a chunin." Izumo told him as he glared right at him. "Let us through." Koetsu glared at them. "The answer is quite simple — no." Izumo had a sarcastic smile.

Jun looked back at the other two.

"Should we be trying to go there?" Asked Jun as he pointed towards the door that Izumo and Kotetsu were guarding. "No, idiot. We're only on the 2nd damn floor! Get your facts straight. We need to go up one more floor." Reisha told Jun with a hiss.

"Geez. . . rude much?" Jun gave her a sigh and a glare. "I'm not rude at all." She too gave Jun a glare of her on. "Guys, can we just stop? We only have like 20 minutes left until the exams start." Runa scolded them.

"Fine. But beware, people are going to care what we are currently doing." Reisha told them all. Jun scoffed at her. "Yeah, yeah! We know! You don't have to remind us!" Jun crossed his arms together.

"Let's just go damn it." Reisha was tired of Jun's bullshit. They all walked up the stairs to the 3rd floor. As soon as they finished walking up the wall, they saw Naruto standing there.

"Yo!" Naruto said with enthusiastic smile. There were multiple puzzled faces. "Why are you here?" Asled Runa. He just gave a toothy-grin. "I'm just a clone. The real one is currently somewhere else." He informed Naruto.

"What exactly is he doing?" Asked Jun. The clone just wiggled finger towards him slightly. "Nuh. . . uh! Anyway, I just wanted to come here to say something quick to you 3 before you start the exams." Naruto said with a lazy smile and yawn. This caused even more yawns.

"What did you want tp say?" Asked Runa as they all looked at Naruto. He gave a grin and thumbs-up in response. "Heh! I just wanted to say good luck to you 3 in the Chunin Exams." Jun furrowed his eye brows.

"Hah! Don't you worry! We got this win in the bag!" Jun said in a confident tone. Naruto sighed at his antics. "Even still, you 3 still need to be careful. If you even underestimate an enemy, you may regret it greatly." Naruto shook his head.

"Yes,sensei!" They said in unison. Naruto clasped his hands together.

"Ok! Just wanted to say good luck to you all. You 3 will most definitely need it." They huffed in annoyance and walked past Naruto — whom had a toothy grin he knew of.

The 3 started to walk to their destination.

"We're almost there. We'll definitely win these exams with no problem." Reisha said arrogantly. Naruto looked at them. "I'm sure you'll do!" A small smile reappeared on Naruto's faces as he puffed in a cloud of smoke.

They opened the door to the exam room. The 3 entered with a determined look in their eyes. The 3 took breaths in-an-out as they entered the room.

We got this! They thought with determination.


DONE! This is now the start of the Chunin Exams. The next chapter will be the first test of the Chunin Exams — the written test.

Sorry for no chapters yesterday. Something came up and messed up my update schedule. These next few chapters will be heavily focused on Jun, Runa, and Reisha.

Anyway, this will be it for now. Expect a chapter later. But, until the next time I update this fanfic, I'll see you all later.

Cya next time!

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